Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Open Door Rev 3:7-13 #Nightlight #RTTBROS #RevelationRevealed RR11

The Open Door  Rev 3:7-13  #Nightlight #RTTBROS #RevelationRevealed RR11
The Open Door

"Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it." Revelation 3:8 (KJV)

The church in Philadelphia was promised an open door that no one could shut. What a liberating thought! This open door represents opportunity - a chance to spread the gospel and make disciples. Too often we feel hemmed in by obstacles, but God promises open doors to those who remain faithful.

Let's walk through that open door with excitement! It may lead to unfamiliar places and challenging situations, but we have God's assurance that the door will not close behind us. When we step out in faith, believing in God's promises, He will keep that doorway clear.

Be on the lookout today for open doors in your life. It may come through a new relationship that allows you to share Christ's love. Or an opportunity to serve those in need. God delights in opening just the right door at just the right time.

We don't know what's coming through that door. It may lead to trials that test our faith. But we do know the One who opened it. He is the same One who conquered death and shut the door on the grave. Because of His resurrection power, we can have boldness to walk through every open door He provides.

Just remember, the open door swings both ways. As we walk through it to join God in His work, we must also allow God to access every room in our hearts. Is there a locked closet of sin that needs opened up to His cleansing light? As we allow Him free reign, He is able to open doors for us to bless others.

May we live with open hands, open hearts, and eyes wide open to the doors God is opening. The opportunities are endless for those who trust in the faithful and true One. He opens doors that no one can shut.

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