Hearing His Voice Jer 33:3 #RTTBROS #Nightlight
Hearing His Voice
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV)
What an incredible promise! Our loving heavenly Father delights to hear His children's prayers.
Let me illustrates this.
"A 4-year-old boy who was born hard of hearing due to a genetic disorder got to hear his parents and sister speak to him for the first time after undergoing cochlear implant surgery.
In a TikTok video posted Feb. 8, the boy, named Sawyer, looks up and starts smiling, clapping and giving out high-fives when he hears spoken words -- a "hi" from his sister and an "I love you" from his mom -- for the very first time.
I have literally not seen him smile that big in his whole life," Sawyer's mother Christina Lenglin, of Ontario, Canada, says in the video, referring to her son's reaction. "That's the biggest smile I've ever seen him do."
Just as a child hearing his mother's voice for the first time after receiving a cochlear implant, we can find joy and comfort in God's voice through prayer. Though our human ears may not audibly hear His voice, we can sense His presence and guidance when we sincerely seek Him. God longs to reveal "great and mighty things" to those who call on Him. So come boldly to His throne of grace! Pour out your heart to Him. And listen closely for His still small voice. What a blessing it is to communicate with our Father in heaven!
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