Saturday, August 31, 2024

GOD'S REP #RTTBROS #Nightlight

GOD'S REP #RTTBROS #Nightlight

"Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy." - Psalm 99:3 (KJV)

In the annals of Scripture, we find a common thread woven through the stories of David and Goliath, Daniel's refusal of the king's portion, and our Lord Jesus Christ cleansing the temple. This thread is the unwavering commitment to uphold God's holiness and reputation above all else.

Consider David, a young shepherd who faced the mighty Goliath. His motivation was not personal glory, but rather a zeal for the Lord's name. As we read in 1 Samuel 17:45, David declared, "I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied."

Similarly, Daniel, when presented with the king's rich fare, "purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank" (Daniel 1:8). His primary concern was not his own comfort or advancement, but maintaining his purity before God.

Lastly, we see our Saviour, Jesus Christ, cleansing the temple with righteous indignation. As recorded in Mark 11:17, He proclaimed, "Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves." His actions were not driven by personal gain, but by a fervent desire to preserve the sanctity of His Father's house.

These examples teach us a profound lesson in discipleship. As followers of Christ, our primary mission is to glorify God and uphold His reputation in all circumstances. This may often require us to set aside our own desires, comforts, and even our personal reputations for the sake of God's name.

In our daily walk, let us continually ask ourselves: Does this action, word, or decision bring glory to God? Are we more concerned with our own agenda or with advancing God's kingdom? By aligning our hearts with this divine priority, we can become more effective disciples, shining the light of Christ in a world that desperately needs it.

May we, like David, Daniel, and our Lord Jesus, be found faithful in upholding God's holy name, for as the Psalmist declares, "Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy" (Psalm 99:3).
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