Saturday, August 10, 2024

From Not Likely To But God #RTTBROS #nightlight

From Not Likely To But God #RTTBROS #nightlight

From Not Likely To But God

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26 (KJV)

Devotion: "Not Likely, But God"

How often do we find ourselves facing situations that seem hopeless? We look at our circumstances, our limitations, our past failures, and we think, "This is not likely to work out." We see the mountain before us and doubt our ability to climb it. We face challenges that appear insurmountable, and our hearts sink with the weight of improbability.

In these moments, we must remember two powerful words: "But God."

When the odds are stacked against us, when logic and reason tell us it's not likely to happen, we serve a God who specializes in defying human expectations. Our verse reminds us that while with men, certain things may indeed be impossible, with God, all things are possible.

Consider the unlikelihood of a shepherd boy defeating a giant warrior, yet David triumphed over Goliath. Think of the improbability of a small band of disciples changing the world, yet the early church grew exponentially. Ponder the impossibility of a virgin birth, yet Jesus came into this world as prophesied.

In each of these scenarios, human reasoning would conclude: "Not likely." But God had other plans.

When we face our own "not likely" situations, let us shift our focus from our limitations to God's limitless power. Let us trade our doubts for faith, our fears for trust. For in the economy of God's kingdom, "not likely" becomes an opportunity for His glory to shine brightest.

Today, whatever unlikely scenario you're facing, remember: it may not be likely with men, but with God, all things are possible. Allow these two powerful words - "But God" - to renew your hope and strengthen your faith. For it is often in the midst of the unlikely that God does His most amazing work.

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