Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I Am Known #RTTBROS #nightlight

I Am Known   #RTTBROS #nightlight

I Am Known 

"I know my sheep, and am known of mine." - John 10:14

In our fast-paced, overcrowded world, it's easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. But take heart, friend! Our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, knows each of us intimately and personally.

Consider this: As a teacher's class size grows, their knowledge of individual students often diminishes. Not so with our Lord! To Him, there are no faceless masses. Whether it's a handful or "a multitude which no man can number" (Revelation 7:9), each of us remains a distinct individual in His sight.

Imagine that! The Creator of the universe knows you by name, understands your unique struggles, and recognizes your specific needs. If you've strayed from the fold, He notices your absence and actively seeks you out. That's the kind of personal attention our Shepherd provides.

But it's not just a one-way street. Jesus says, "I am known of mine" (John 10:14). As we walk with Him daily, our ability to recognize His voice grows stronger. In a world full of counterfeits and false shepherds, this discernment is crucial.

Remember, even "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14). He can put on a convincing shepherd disguise. But the more time we spend with our true Shepherd, the sharper our spiritual senses become. We learn to see through the facades and distinguish the genuine from the fake.

So, dear friend, draw close to your Shepherd today. Revel in the fact that He knows you intimately, and commit to knowing Him more deeply. In this mutual recognition, you'll find unshakeable confidence and abiding peace.


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