Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Perfect Partnership #RTTBROS #nightlight

A Perfect Partnership   #RTTBROS #nightlight

A Perfect Partnership: Reexamining the Myth of the Better Half

“Genesis 2:18 KJV - And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 

"Better half" does indeed have its roots in Greek mythology! It originates from the mythological story of Aristophanes, who explained in Plato's "Symposium" that humans originally had two faces, four arms, and four legs. They were powerful, and the gods feared them. As a result, Zeus decided to split them in two, creating separate male and female beings. This splitting resulted in each human looking for their "other half," or their "better half."

So, the phrase "better half" comes from this mythological story and refers to the idea that people are seeking their perfect partner or complement.

The concept of a "better half" or "soul mate" can be destructive to modern dating and marriage culture in America for several reasons:

1. Unrealistic expectations: Believing in the existence of a perfect partner or "other half" can create unrealistic expectations that no real person can meet. This can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction in relationships.

2. Fostering dependence: The idea of a "better half" can encourage people to rely on their partner for their happiness and fulfillment, rather than turning to God to meet those needs.

3. Promoting a scarcity mindset: The belief that there is only one perfect person out there for each individual can create a sense of scarcity and urgency in finding a partner, leading to hasty decisions or settling for unhealthy relationships.

4. Ignoring the work required in relationships: The mythological story suggests that people were once complete and only need to find their missing half, which doesn’t acknowledge the effort, compromise, and communication required to build and maintain healthy relationships.

In a world enchanted by the idea of soul mates and better halves, we may find ourselves lost in the chase for the "perfect partner." Genesis, however, presents a different perspective: God created Eve as a helper and companion for Adam—not as his missing half. 

It's important to remember that our worth is not derived from our relationship status. As we journey through life, let's strive to become whole in our individual relationships with God, recognizing that He alone can complete us. Only then can we truly appreciate the blessing of a partner, not as a missing piece, but as a cherished companion.


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