Friday, April 5, 2024

Joy Miner #RTTBROS #Nightlight

Joy Miner #RTTBROS #Nightlight

1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV - 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Philosopher's corner enter your own risk....

You were warned.....

Still here?....

My friend that I'm doing a funeral for had a blood disease that required an infusion of platelets and Iron, two times a week for 4 hours each visit at Mountain States Tumor Institute for the last 16 years.  The amazing thing about Johnny was that he had the ability to have a happy Spirit even in the midst of a lifelong battle with a debilitating disease. He could often be heard singing and whistling as he made his way through his day. As I've been thinking back over his life and looking at mine I sometimes find myself feeling sorry for myself over some difficult issue that's in my life. But I'm realizing that if we wait until everything is perfect in our life to find joy and happiness we will never find those things.  A miner must move mountains of Earth before he finds ounces of gold. Perhaps we need to move aside the problems of our life and look for the happiness and joy that is all around us. but we tend not to see  because we haven't done the work of moving the problems aside.

I would wager that no matter how difficult you find your life right now there's probably somebody within your network of friends and family that has things far worse than you. Perhaps just for today we can be thankful for this day and the joy and happiness that is within it.  Just some random thought about living life with gratitude and expectancy. 

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