Sneak Attack 2 Cor 2:11 #Nightlight #RTTBROS
Overcoming Temptation's Sneak Attack
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." - 2 Corinthians 2:11 (KJV)
Ol' slewfoot sure has some sneaky strategies when it comes to temptation, doesn't he? That devil loves to mess with our thought lives first, getting our minds all wrapped up and tangled before he springs the physical trap. As Martin Luther used to say, "you can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair." Temptation often starts as a little thought that don't seem so bad. But left unchecked, those thoughts become a stronghold, softening us up for the real attack.
Take lust, for example. The temptation begins as a wandering eye and sinful imagination. But soon those impure thoughts pave the way for far worse transgressions. As Adrian Rogers would say, "what you watch is what you become." The thought life is ground zero in the battle against temptation. If we allow the serpent's seeds to take root in our minds, the fruit will be rotten, for sure.
But don't get discouraged, child of God. The old preachers used to say "sin will keep you from the Bible, or the Bible will keep you from sin." Fill your mind with the Word and wisdom of the Lord, and it'll crowd out the enemy's schemes. Stay vigilant against those sneaky thought-traps and you'll avoid the snares that follow. We may not be ignorant of Satan's devices, but we sure can be informed and prepared through Scripture. Don't let down your guard, folks. Temptation is always lurking, ready for a sneak attack. But with the Holy Spirit's help, we can spot those fiery darts coming from a mile away and stomp them out for good! Amen? Amen!
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