Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Bird Song Col 2:10 Gene Kissinger

bird song
Gene Kissinger
 redeeming the time brothers podcast a podcast by Gene Kissinger and Norman Kissinger, two brothers who spent their lives in ministry and raising large families. Our desire is to provide a digital place for those who longed to belong. And as always, we want to leave a nightlight on for you that nightlight is of Colossians chapter two and verse 10, just part of the verse, ye are complete in him, ye are complete in him, and that him is Christ and that you are ye as you are completeness is found in Jesus, he completes me. Yeah, that's what sometimes people say in relationship, she completes me he completes me. Jesus completes us. He's the one that was designed to complete us because we were designed to be in relationship with God. And Christ is the WAY TO HAVE relationship with God. And you may wonder what that has to do with birds. Vance havner, graduated at the same class as Billy Graham out of Columbia Bible Institute. At that time now, Columbia Bible University, he was a great preacher, dynamic preacher, he had a hobby, he loved birdwatching, when he would go to a place he would always take his binoculars and go out and get quiet, and watch the birds and it brought a source of comfort to him.  One of the things that he noted about birds was birds don't sing because they have the answers,  birds sing, because they have a song.  In the Bible we're compared to birds in multiple places.  Jesus would say, consider the the birds of the air. They don't toil and they don't sow into barns, they don't do that kind of stuff,  But God takes care of them.  Then it talks about your worth in other places where God is talking about birds.  He says that a sparrows is sold for half a farthing or you can get to two for a penny, but God notices when one of those sparrows falls out of the air. And then he says, aren't you much more valuable than a sparrow that falls out of the air? But these birds that God watches over them.  They have a song, they don't sing, because they have all the answers but they sing because they're connected to God.  And because they're connected to God, They have a song in their heart. 
    you and I, we don't have all the answers. I don't know what's gonna flow out of all this stuff that's taken place in politics and in our nation right now. I don't have all the answers. But I have a song, because I see Jesus and Jesus has the answers.  His eye is on the Sparrow and I know HE watched me, he is taking care of me.  I'm watching him.  He is the one who has all the answers, I can have a song in my heart and that song is a song of joy, I don't have to be in despair because of this mess that's going on. God never intended this to be the ultimate kingdom, the ultimate kingdom is his kingdom. In fact, he makes it quite plain in the book of Daniel, that all earthly kingdoms will be crushed by a stone that's cut out of a mountain and it rolls down. And it destroys this statue that represents all human government. And that and that stone is Jesus and it becomes an everlasting kingdom. And he's  going to rule with a rod of iron, he's going to rule in a way that none will gain say, he's going to rule in a way that's perfect, and that there'll be no graft or corruption or power politics or back room trading, or all the nonsense that goes on back in DC.    I've been back there, man, I've sat in the offices of congressmen and senators, these guys don't have the answers.  if you you hitch your wagon to any politician, or any political party, they're going to disappoint you. You need to hitch your wagon to Jesus Brother, you need to hitch your wagon to Jesus sister, because he's the one that's got the answers. These political people they don't know.
Now you need to vote,  and vote as biblically as you can for the best candidate you can. But you need to understand something your ultimate allegiance is to Jesus Christ. And because you look to Jesus, you can have a song in your heart. And you don't gotta be in a sense of dismay, 
    Hey, I love you. Jesus loves you. Let's pray. Dear Lord God, I thank you for this day, I pray that you would be with those in leadership in our nation, help them to guide us to a peaceful resolution to this. But Lord also we pray that you would protect our freedoms and protect our ability to be able to have free speech and to vote and to get our message out God we ask for that as well.  Lord we cast all of this on you trusting your watch care, we know that you're taking care of us and we know that you've never fumbled and stumbled you've never made a mistake in the entirety of eternity God we can trust in you. And we just pray that you would be with us in this moment, calm our hearts, and give us back our song because our song comes from watching you not from having all the answers because we know that this side of eternity we won't have all the answers, but you do and we trust you. We don't lean  on our own understanding but in all of our ways we're acknowledging you. Watch out over us as we follow you tonight in Jesus name, amen.

God bless you. I love you But Jesus loves you far more. And you have a great night because no matter who is in the White House, Jesus is on the throne.

Transcript Otter.AI

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