Thursday, September 24, 2020

sincere by Gene Kissinger

God's design and desire is that we build Sterling reputations and character,  by being exactly who we say we are. That means that we live with integrity. Integrity comes from the word integer. And it means one, not duplicitous, not double, not hypocritical. The word hypocritical. Is comes from the the Greek masks of drama and comedy, one smiling and one frowning or crying. And it means one who wears a mask. So integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy. And what God wants from us as BORN AGAIN believers is that we be individuals who have a sterling integrity, where we mean what we say we say what we mean. We are to live where we are the same no matter who we're around, no matter what the crowd is doing. We live with integrity. 

 Another of the words that we use to describe integrity is also sincerity. Sincerity, the English word comes from two Latin words sin, cera, "without wax." And what it goes back to is back in the day, when the Greeks would sell a statue that they'd carved in marble, the unscrupulous sculptor, if he'd made a mistake and cracked the marble,  would fill the crack in the marble with wax, which was "cera".  In order for the reputable Carver's,  to sell their works, they would put it out into the sunshine, were any cracks, any wax would melt away, and they had a sign that said, "sin cera" without wax, that there was no fraudulent stuff going on. It was exactly as you see it, there wasn't cover up or putty or bondo, or you know, carpenters filler. It was exactly as it said it was.  
 Are you "sin Cera"

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