Friday, September 11, 2020

Remembering 9/11 What mean these stones?

What mean these stones?

Redeeming the time brothers podcast a podcast by Gene Kissinger and Norman Kissinger two brothers who spent their lives in ministry and raising large families our desire is to provide a digital place for those who long to belong.

I want to take a moment today to think about 911. I want to remember the lives that were lost on that tragic day, those faces are etched in my memory, as I saw the newscast. The first res-ponders those coming out of the ash carrying children and walking with people who were injured and taking out remains dead bodies. And these first res-ponders were so brave and so courageous. Remember, "it's beautiful day in the neighborhood", Mr. Rogers, he said during that same era, "whenever you have a crisis look for the people that are helping." I was just so encouraged by the people that were helping, that were throwing themselves into taking care of and helping other people. What an amazing self sacrificing thing and those of you that are first res-ponders, Thank you. Also we want to remember those who lost their lives so suddenly so tragically. In just a few minutes I'll be doing a memorial service of a young lady that passed away far too young, and those that passed away on 911, they didn't know that morning, when they got up and they went to work in those Twin Towers, or got on those airplanes, they had no idea that this would be their last day.

Their passing can remind us of multiple things, one is the brevity of life. It is a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. It's like a tale that is told, it's like a watch in the night, it's like a weaver shuttle moving back and forth, we would say today like a singer sewing machine, the needle going up and down, it passes by with such rapidity. It's a vapor that appears, and then it's gone, it's like a cloud in your coffee.

Honor life, thank God for each day that you have. Don't just sort of slog through it and just, grin and bear it. life is a gift. Don't take it for granted. Live in a way that is well pleasing to God. Milk the joy out of each day, live with integrity every day. I believe that's a message they would want you to have. One of the things that their passing teaches us is to be ever vigilant for the freedoms that we have. We are going to have a chance to vote in November. I want to encourage you to get out and vote cast your ballot, I want to encourage you to be praying for our nation. We've seen a series of disasters that have taken place in 2020. And man, it's time for us to come before God and pray a prayer of repentance as a nation. To to call on God to grant us His mercy and to turn things around for us. We need to be a people that are repenting of our sins and experiencing God's freedom and forgiveness so he can cleanse and restore our land, we desperately need that. I mean, our problems are so much deeper than just the political. We've got a sin problem. We need help. Let's pray.

Dear Lord God, I just thank you Father for the first res-ponders, those that gave their lives willingly, to go in and help those that were in this tragedy, these many years ago. What a good God you are to put that calling on that oh we thank you for them the police the firemen the paramedics God and we thank you for what they do their courage and bravery every day God. Lord, I just pray that you'd be with the families of those that lost loved ones in September 11 God, their children, their grandchildren, and others that have an empty place at a table because of what happened that day, when wicked and nefarious people took innPray,Rememberocent life. God I pray that we'd always cherish life, that we'd remember that you have given it to us, it's a gift and we should never waste it. Help us to live with integrity every day, help us to live in a close personal relationship with you. Help us to be ready for that day that you call us home God, because there's going to come a time, when it's our time to leave this planet and to stand before you. help us to be ready for that day God. I pray that you'd be with these under the sound of my voice, give them your supernatural strength in Jesus name, amen. God bless you.

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