Saturday, February 22, 2020

Teach Us To Number Our Days

   In a funeral today I read the following verse  " 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12.  I
t is tucked up in a chapter on the brevity of life.
look at a couple of the analogies the Psalmist uses here.
"4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth"  PS.90:4-6
He is saying a millennium is but a moment,  a short night shift, a blade of grass that grows up almost overnight and is cut down in a moment. our days are like a tale that is told, or in modern vernacular it ends all to quickly like a good movie or book. Else where we read that life is swifter then a weavers shuttle (think sowing machine for our time), also life is described as a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. We are told as a consequence of this "not to boast ourselves of tomorrow, because we don't know what a day may bring. We should Number our days, that means more then counting your days it means making those days count.  
That means two distinct things:
1. Right Priorities:  
     Matt. 6:33 "33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  This verse means that God isn't one of many important things to you instead Christ and his kingdom have the highest significance.   
 2. Right Practices:
     We often find that we "don't have time" when facing opportunities to do things for God's kingdom. The truth is we all have the same amount of hours.  The truth is we make time for what is important to us. below is a three step strategy to get more time in your life or more accurately, how to get more life in your time, how to make your days count. 

Dave Berry the writer gives this time management advice.

     Well guess what? I know how you can not only turn your 24-Hour-Day into 25 Hours, but even 26, 27, or 30! Of course, I can't really change time, but I can show you how to gain extra hours every day, week, month and year of your life, and do it by putting forth less effort than you are today. And it is as simple as can be! It's the perfect solution if you regularly find yourself looking back at at your life wondering what in the world happened to all your time, and why you have very few results to show for it. So Let Me Share this Simple Three-Step System with You:

 Step #1 --Write down everything that you need to get done today. Step #2 --Assign a time period to each task you need to accomplish.  Step #3 --Select one of the tasks on your list, start a timer, and focus only on the task at hand until is is completed. 
Repeat for each task on your list. If you will practice these three simple steps on a regular basis, it will completely change the way you get things done in life...guaranteed! Take another look at the three simple steps, and then take a minute to allow the structure and purpose behind them to sink in --you'll quickly begin to see the genius in the system. I can say this without bragging, because I didn't invent it --I'm just a true believer because I know how it has impacted my own life.         
      So here's the big question: Why Does It Work So Well? It boils down to fact that it uses these three key elements: An end-result or goal (each of your daily tasks) -Our brains love goals, big or small, because they're built to be goal-seeking machines. Give your brain a goal, and it immediately goes to work finding ways to achieve it. A specific timeframe or deadline (the time you assign each task) -Once your brain has a goal, a deadline is the fuel that motivates it to act! The shorter the deadline, the more revved up your brain gets. Believability (the order and structure of the system) -Instead of surrendering yourself to lackluster results because you see your day as an overwhelming, uncontrollable mess, this system breaks your day down into small, manageable pieces that you actually see yourself getting done with ease. When you believe you can, you will! When these three elements are brought together, the synergy totally transforms the way you psychologically and emotionally look at all the things you have to do. So much so, that after you've used it for a while, you almost feel yourself getting addicted to taking action. I don't know about you, but that's a habit I can definitely live with! 

From <>

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