Monday, February 24, 2025

Say Or Pray #RTTBROS #Nightlight

Say Or Pray #RTTBROS #Nightlight 
Say or Pray
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6

From our earliest memories, words shape our understanding of the world. Many of us can recall the gentle cadence of our mother's voice reading bedtime stories, planting seeds of language that would grow into a lifelong love of words. Through decades of life and ministry, we witness how words can illuminate truth and transform hearts.

Yet there comes a moment in every believer's journey when we confront the limitations of human expression. We may craft the perfect sermon, pen the most eloquent letter, or offer the wisest counsel, only to find that words alone cannot accomplish what only the Spirit of God can do.

Perhaps this is why the disciples, who witnessed Jesus deliver the most powerful teachings ever spoken, never asked Him to teach them to preach. Instead, they pleaded, "Lord, teach us to pray." They recognized that the true power for transformation comes not through polished speech but through earnest communion with God.

Consider the difference between saying and praying. When we say, we rely on human wisdom and ability. When we pray, we tap into the limitless resources of heaven. A half-hour spent in focused prayer over our children and grandchildren may seem like a significant investment of time, but it connects us to an eternal power source that knows no boundaries.

In our fast-paced world of endless communication, we must remember that there are limits to what human words can accomplish. Yet there are no limits to what the Spirit of God can do. Our carefully chosen words may reach ears, but Spirit-empowered prayer reaches hearts.

Today, before you speak, pray. Before you counsel, pray. Before you teach, pray. For it is not the eloquence of our words but the earnestness of our prayers that unleashes God's transformative power in the lives of those we love.

Prayer: Lord, remind us that our greatest impact comes not through saying but through praying. Help us to rely not on our might or power, but on Your Spirit. Teach us, like Your disciples, to pray with faith and persistence. In Jesus' name, Amen._

Reflection: How might your influence change if you spent as much time praying about situations as you do talking about them?_

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