Friday, January 10, 2025

Holy Competition #RTTBROS #Nightlight

Holy Competition #RTTBROS #Nightlight 
Holy Competition: Finding Inspiration in Others' Excellence

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us," - Hebrews 12:1 (KJV)

During the height of America's industrial revolution, steel magnate Andrew Carnegie visited one of his mills during a day shift. After inquiring about their production numbers, he simply wrote the figure in chalk on the floor. When the night shift arrived and saw the number, they took it as a challenge and worked to exceed it. The next day shift, seeing the night crew's higher number, strove to surpass it. Through this simple act, Carnegie created a natural competition that improved productivity across all shifts.

Like those steel workers, we often encounter numbers on the floor of our Christian walk - but these numbers come in different forms. We see a fellow believer spending an hour in prayer each morning while we struggle to find ten minutes. We witness someone teaching Sunday School with profound insight while we feel inadequate in sharing our faith. We observe others serving tirelessly in ministry while we battle fatigue and discouragement.

In these moments, we face a crucial choice. We can allow jealousy to creep in, diminishing both our joy and our effectiveness for the Kingdom. Or, like those night shift workers, we can let others' excellence inspire us to grow in our own spiritual journey.

The writer of Hebrews reminds us that we're surrounded by a "great cloud of witnesses" - faithful believers who have gone before us and those walking alongside us. Their examples aren't meant to discourage us but to spur us toward greater faithfulness. Just as Carnegie's chalk numbers created healthy competition that benefited the entire mill, the spiritual disciplines and gifts we observe in others can motivate us to press deeper into our own relationship with Christ.

Remember: God doesn't call us to compete with others, but to be compelled by their example. The goal isn't to "outperform" our brothers and sisters, but to let their faithfulness inspire us to become more like Christ.

Prayer: Lord, when I see the spiritual gifts and dedication of others, help me respond not with jealousy but with inspiration. Use their example to spur me toward greater faithfulness in my own walk with You. Amen.

Challenge for Today: When you notice someone excelling in an area of spiritual life where you struggle, instead of comparing yourself negatively, ask them about their journey and what you might learn from their experience.

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