#RTTBROS #nightlight
Redeeming the Time Brothers podcast
Today, I'll be offering a pastoral prayer. I've been observing many of my friends as they go about their days. As a people watcher, I try to notice not just what people do, but also their countenance. Sometimes, my spirit senses their struggles—whether they're feeling down, despondent, depressed, tired, exhausted, or worn out. Lately, I've been picking up on a lot of these emotions as I go about my daily life.
It could be a cashier I encounter at Walmart or a teacher I see walking down the school hallway with their head hung low and their spirit sagging. Today, I want to pray for strength for those who are weary in well-doing. You've been doing the right thing, heading in the right direction, and making good choices. But Satan is trying to wear you down, exhaust you, and make you give up and become despondent. Let's pray together now.
Mighty Father God, I ask that You be with my friends and family—those dear ones cradled in the palm of Your hand. Let them feel Your love today, Lord. May that love permeate their very spirit, providing a buoyancy that allows them to rise above the daily grind. Help them know that You love and care for them, God. Remind them that Your watchful care has never been absent from their lives. Even when they find themselves going through a testing time and perhaps sense Your silence, remind them that in every test given in schools, the teacher is always quiet.
Lord, show us the areas in our lives where we're weak during these testing times. Help us, God, to turn to You and trust in You moment by moment. Help us lean on You and allow Your rod and staff to bring us comfort, guiding us through the valley of the shadow of death. You are the Great Shepherd, God. You laid down Your life for the sheep and battle back against the wolves baying at the door. I thank You for shepherding us through this old, sinful, sin-cursed world.
God, please give my friends and family strength for their day. Give them strong shoes for their stony path. Allow them to experience Your healing, restorative presence moment by moment. We ask this in Jesus' most holy, precious, and powerful name. Amen.
Hey, God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more. Have a great night.
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