I Am On My Way. Heb 9:27 #RTTBROS #Nightlight
I Am On My Way
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" (Hebrews 9:27, KJV)
Recently, a friend on Facebook gave a creative writing assignment to take the last text message sent and turn it into a sermon. My last text simply said, "I am on my way." This got me thinking about our journey through life and our ultimate destination. Let's turn to the Word of God for wisdom.
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" (Hebrews 9:27, KJV)
Death is an inevitable part of the human experience. It comes to us all, often suddenly and without warning. As the author of Hebrews solemnly reminds us, "it is appointed unto men once to die." We cannot escape this fate.
Yet for the believer in Christ, death is not the end. It is merely a departure from this earthly life as we journey swiftly home to be with our Lord and Savior. Paul tells us that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). Though we grieve the loss of loved ones, we do not grieve as those who have no hope, for we know we will be reunited again.
In the final chapter of God's Word, Jesus gives us this blessed assurance: "Surely I come quickly" (Revelation 22:20, KJV). In response, we cry out with the apostle John, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." What hope and comfort this gives us! Our Savior is on His way to bring us into His glorious presence forevermore.
So let us live with heaven in view, eagerly awaiting that day, and seeking to bring others with us. As you go about your day today, take heart that for the believer, the best is yet to come. Jesus is on His way - look up, for your redemption draws near! Let us be found faithfully serving Him. Amen.
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