Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Victory Train Isa. 6:1 #NewMorningGlory

Points To Ponder

Victory train by Gene Kissinger 

Isaiah chapter six and verse one. In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up in his train filled the temple.

 The imagery of this verse is taken from the ancient Near East, in Egypt and Assyria during that time kings, and potentates, had elaborate thrones, high above the people, they had long flowing robes. Behind those robes was a piece of cloth that was called a train, if you watch any of the Royals, and you'll sometimes see them walking with a piece of cloth that's dragging behind the robe, and that's called a train.  The bigger the train, the more victorious you are when the Assyrian kings and the Egyptian kings would take over another kingdom and they defeated another king, they would take  the defeated kings robes, cut the train off the robe and have it sewn onto their own. So the more victory that they had, the longer their train was, and here Isaiah is using that imagery about a high throne that is as high as the heavens and about a train that  fills up the temple. The idea is, is that God is an ever victorious, ever conquering, never defeated God!  He's the Almighty God, all powerful, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. He's the Omni everything God and that's what Isaiah points out so powerfully.  Another more beautiful thing is, that you as a born again, believer, are picturing the temple.

 According to Acts chapter seven and other passages The literal temple in the Old Testament, becomes you in the New Testament.  In Corinthians where Paul says, You are the temple of God, and you can live in victory over sin. So rather than sin filling you, know what His train of victory fills you. You can move and live in victory because of who God is. Not because of who you are.  Not because of how strong you are, you can move into victory because of how victorious God is, how great God is, how good God is. So I just want to encourage you to move out of the realm of defeated thinking into the realm of Victorious thinking and living because of the victory train, the train of victory that is in Old Testament book of Isaiah chapter six and verse one is in you because the Holy Spirit of God in dwells you and the train of victory runs right through the middle of your life. 

Let's pray Dear Lord, God, I thank you for this night. I thank you for my dear friends, I pray that You would bless them. Help them to rest tonight. Let them rest in the victory that they have in you, let them rest in the knowledge that you have already conquered death, you've defeated the devil. You know we're just waiting for the time to come into this mess down here and bring us home to heaven to be with you. Watch out over us. Grant us a good night in Jesus name, amen. Hey, God bless you. I love you but Jesus loves you so much more

Laugh Line. 

Community picnic

A church had a picnic and invited the entire community to come. The Pastor placed a basket full of apples on one end of a table with a sign saying, "Take only one apple please - Remember that God is watching."

On the other end of the table was a plate of cookies where one of the children had placed a sign saying, "Take all the cookies you want -- God is watching the apples."

Classics Corner.

#MorningGlory. RTTBROS 

3 conditions of discipleship 

Read and think through these wonderful thoughts by

F.B Meyer

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A CHRISTIAN Luke 14:33 “So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” THREE TIMES over in this chapter, our Lord says these solemn words: “he cannot be My disciple.” There are three conditions of discipleship. First, we must be prepared to put first things first; second,

we must be willing to suffer daily crucifixion; third, we must be detached from all things, because attached to Christ. The conditions seem severe,

but they must be fulfilled, if we would enter Christ’s School.

Disciple stands for learner. Our Lord is prepared to teach us the mysteries of the Kingdom of God; but it is useless to enter His class unless we have resolved to do as He says. Put first things first. When our Lord uses the word hate, He clearly means that the love we are to have for Him is to be so much greater, that comparatively our natural affection will be as if it were hate. No one could have loved His Mother more than our Lord did. In His dying agony His special thought and care was for her, but on three different occasions He put her aside. We are sometimes called to put aside those who are nearest and dearest, if their demands conflict with the claims of Christ.

The daily cross. In each of us there is the self-principle, and for each of us there is a perpetual necessity to deny self. Some talk about bearing the cross in a glib fashion, but its true meaning is shame, suffering, and sorrow, which no one realizes but God, and which perhaps strikes deeper down into the roots of our being as we grow older. There is an opportunity in your life, in respect to some person or circumstance, for an everdeepening appreciation of union with Christ in His death, and for which you must be dally prepared to surrender your own way and will.

Renunciation. It may be necessary to surrender all we have for Christ,

or it may be that He will ask us to hold all as a steward or trustee for Himself and others. No one can lay down the rule for another. The main point to decide is this: “Am I willing to do what Christ wants me to do; to yield my will for Him to mould it, and my life for Him to work through it?” If so, all else will adjust itself.

PRAYER--O Lord, save me in spite of myself. May I be Thine; wholly Thine, and, at all costs, Thine. In humiliation, in poverty, in self abnegation, Thine. Thine in the way Thou knowest to be most fitting, in order that Thou mightest be now and ever mine. AMEN.

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