Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Devices 2 Cor 2:11 by Gene Kissinger



Satan's devices:

redeeming the time brothers podcast a podcast by Gene Kissinger and Norman Kissinger, two brothers who spent their lives in ministry and raising large families our desire is provide a digital place for those who longed to belong. And as always, we want to leave a nightlight on for you that nightlight is, 

second Corinthians chapter two and verse 11. It says "lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices". This passage, the context of it is Paul is writing about restoring a man who had wandered into sin. But he had to bring about a

church discipline issue with him to get the Corinthian church back on track that allowed all kinds of immorality in the church. And he wants them to bring restoration as the man is truly repentant and headed back, I want to talk to you though, in a more general sense about Satan's devices, and then God's strategies to be able to deal with Satan's devices. Satan's devices are his Mo, his Modus of operation, how he handles things. Now, basically, when we're tempted to sin there's three basic types of temptation. There's the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, if you want to go back to Genesis, and the book of first john, we're also tempted by three basic enemies we have the world which tries to conform us, shape us into its mold, push us into its mold, you have the flesh, which tries to use this gravitational pull, to drag us back down to the old way of living, causing our old habits to chain us. And then there is the devil, satanic forces, the demonic that is out there, there's a there's a battle that's going on in the spirit world. And that battle is really for your soul. Satan wants to destroy you, but Jesus wants to restore you. So how are we to win this battle, if we have these three arenas of temptation, and these three enemies that are against us, I want to suggest three basic battle plans that you can use to deal with those issues in your life. Number one is this. When you're facing a physical temptation, where you're tempted to do something in the physical realm with your physical body, a lot of times what you can do is run the Bible says to flee sexual immorality. In other words, there's often a location that you're in that you should not be in, there are places that you ought not to go, if you go to a bar, you're quite likely to drink. So don't go to the bar, if you hang out at a skate park where they sell drugs, you're quite likely to do drugs. So don't hang out there, if that's what you're doing, you need to beat feet down the street, Joseph, in the Old Testament book of Genesis, finds himself where there is a woman is trying to seduce him. And he runs, he actually literally flees, and sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is lace up your shoes and take off and get out of there, change your location. And now you've dealt in large measure, with the temptation that's there. So there are some physical sins that you need to run from. There are other sins that you can't run from. So the Bible says to resist the devil. So sometimes when the attack is from the demonic, it may be an attack on your mind or your emotions, and you can't run from your mind or your emotions. So you have to resist the devil and he will flee from you The Bible says.  That means that as you and I use the word of God to resist the devil, he begins to flee from us and we begin to gain the victory in that area. Another one is when the temptation is from a persistent mindset from a past sin pattern, and your flesh is used to sinning a certain way, one of the things that you have to do is you have to be sure to replace those wrong thought processes. In other words, you can't tell yourself just don't think about it.  For example if I say don't think about an elephant, you instantly pictured an elephant. But if I instead had you thinking about a pink polar bear your mind instead of envisioning the elephant is now envisioning the pink polar bear.  There's a kind of a replacement that goes on because your mind is not designed to work in a vacuum. You so if you want to get rid of ungodly thought patterns, you have to replace them with godly thought patterns that are saturated by the word of God. That's why I suggest memorizing scripture, especially specific scripture that deals with the specific temptation that you find yourself battling with that equips you to be able to replace those same thoughts with God thoughts so that when you first become aware of it, you then begin to quote in your mind or your heart, those Bible verses that deal with that specific area and God's truth brings victory into your life. So these strategies, running Replacing and resisting are powerful techniques. If you'll apply them consistently you're begin to move into the Canaan land, you'll begin to move into real Christian victory in your life but you have to be consistent and you have to be intentional Satan is intentional, the world is intentional. And unfortunately your old nature is intentional. So you need to be using the right strategies in the right way.

Let me pray for you, dear Lord God, I pray that you'd be with these dear ones under the sound of my voice, give them a supernatural victory in whatever satanic battles they're facing and help them God to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. Help them to deal with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Help them God to be your people for this place in time in Jesus name, amen. Hey, I love you and remember Jesus loves you so very much. Have a good night.

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