Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Forsaken Matt 27:45-46 by J.H Jowett

J.H Jowett

Matthew 27:38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.

LET me listen to the ribald jeers which were flung upon my Lord. And let me listen, not as a judge, but as one who has been in the company of the callous crowd. For I, too, have mocked Him! I have said: “Hail, King!” and I have bowed before Him, but it has been mock and empty homage! I have sung: “Crown Him Lord of all!” but there has been no real recognition of His sovereignty; mine has been a mock coronation. From the seat of the mocker, deliver me, good Lord!

And let me stand near the cross while that awful voice of desolation rends the heavens. “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” In that agonizing cry I am led to the real heart of the atonement. My Saviour was standing where His believers will never stand. That was the real death, the death of an inconceivable abandonment. And “He died for me!” He so died in order that I may never taste death. “He that liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.”

Every believer will go to sleep, and through a short sleep he will wake in the glory of the Eternal Presence. But he will never die: no, never die!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Thy Will Be Done Matt 26:42-46 by Dr. Paul Chappell


Thy Will Be Done"

by Dr. Paul Chappell

He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. And he came and found them asleep again: for their eyes were heavy. And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words.

Matthew 26:42-44

Though Jesus was constantly teaching His disciples, there is only one thing recorded in Scripture that they specifically asked Him to teach them—to pray. They had seen and heard Jesus talking to His Father, and they wanted to learn how to pray as He did. In response, Jesus gave them what is commonly called the Lord's Prayer, although it would be more accurate to call it a model prayer instead. That well-known prayer begins with these words: “And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth” (Luke 11:2). Jesus was not teaching them something in the abstract. He was not giving them theories or ideas. He was telling them, and us, what matters when we pray.

As Jesus modeled in this prayer and in His own prayer just before Calvary, every prayer must be offered in accordance with the will of God. There are times when we greatly desire a particular outcome to a situation. Yet even in those moments we must not insist on having things our way if God has something else planned for us. Thus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, knowing the physical agony and spiritual torment that awaited Him, yet still praying in perfect submission to the will of the Father.

Prayer is not a means for us to get only answers that we will like. There are times, like Paul experienced when he prayed for the thorn in his flesh to be removed (2 Corinthians 12:9–10), that God uses the hard things for His purpose. Even in the most difficult moments, we must pray for God's will rather than our own.

Today's Growth Principle:
Asking for God's will to be done is not just repeating words. It must be the desire of our hearts.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Peril and Privlidge Jude 24,25 by A.B Simpson


Perils as well as privileges attend the higher Christian life. The nearer we come to God, the thicker the hosts of darkness in heavenly places. The safe place lies in obedience to God's Word, singleness of heart and holy vigilance. When Christians speak of standing in a place where they do not need to watch, they are in great danger. Let us walk in intimate and holy confidence, yet with holy, humble watchfulness, and He will keep the feet of his saints. Now unto him [who] is able to keep [us] from falling, and to present [us] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen (Jude 24-25). What to do we often wonder, As we seek some watchword true, Lo, the answer God has given, What would Jesus do? When the shafts of fierce temptation, With their fiery darts pursue, This will be your heavenly armor, What would Jesus do? He will keep the feet of his saints -1 Samuel 2:9

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Morning Cometh Gen 1:5 by F.B Meyer

F.B Meyer


"And the evening and the morning were the first day."-- Gen 1:5.

SIX TIMES these words are repeated, and the one lesson that rings out is that God counts His periods, not as man does from night to night, but from evening till morning. ' Not first the light, and after that the dark; but first the dark, and after that the light." God saw that each night would end in daylight, and that the end of all the nights and all the days would be the eternal day in which there can be no darkness at all. This is what St. John saw: "There shall be no night there, for the Lord God giveth them light" (Rev 22:5). The sun of materialism sets in a black ocean, unlit by the star of hope. But as long as God is, we believe that He will make a new heaven and new earth; and from out of what seems disappointing and hopeless He will bring a fairer creation than before. Creation shall participate in the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Watchman what of the night? The morning cometh! The darkness will finally pass away before the radiance of the dawn, and this because God is God; He is Love and Light and His Word creates.

So it is with the individual. Life may be dark. Sin is darkness; sorrow is darkness; ignorance is darkness, and these three may be part of your daily lot. But the night is far spent, the day is at hand. For you the morning star is in the sky. The education of your soul is like that of a child at school. How hard and difficult those first days, but when the rudiments were mastered; when the discipline had played its part, then were reaped the harvests of sowing, and darkness was turned to day. Be of good cheer! Even in death there is nothing to fear. "That night they caught nothing; but when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore." The dark waves, as they break around the boat of your life, are bearing you onward to the morning meal upon the golden sands, where you will find that Love has gone before you with its preparations! It shall be evening and morning and lo! the day without night.


O God, the darkness and light are both alike to Thee, and the night shineth as the day. Help us to follow Thee even through the valley of the shadow, and to trust Thee whatever be our lot; until the day dawns, and the shadows flee away. AMEN

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Great Faith. by A.B Simson



I shall never forget a remark George Mueller once made in answer to a gentleman who asked him the best way to have strong faith. "The only way to learn strong faith," replied the patriarch of faith, 16 is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm in severe testing. What Mr. Mueller said is very true. The time to trust is when all else fails. If we could only realize the value of our present opportunity. Even while we are passing through these great afflictions, we are being held in the very soul of the strongest faith. If we will only let go, He will teach us in these hours the mightiest hold upon this throne which we can ever know. Be not afraid, only believe. If you are afraid, just look up and say, What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee, and you will yet thank God for the school of sorrow which was to you the school of faith. 0 brother, give heed to the warning, And obey His voice today. The Spirit to thee is calling, Oh, do not grieve Him away. What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee -Psalm 56.3

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Tenacious Joy Ph.4:4 By A.B Simpson

Tenacious Joy Phil 4:4

It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord. Perhaps you found the first dose ineffectual. Keep on with your medicine, and when you cannot feel any joy, when there is no wellspring and no seeming comfort and encouragement, still rejoice, and count it all joy. Even when you fall into temptations, reckon the circumstance joy and delight, and God will make your reckoning good. Do you suppose your Father will let you carry the banner of His victory and His gladness on to the front of the battle, and then cooly stand back and see you captured or beaten back by the enemy? Never! The Holy Spirit will sustain you in your bold advance and fill your heart with gladness and praise. You will experience an exhilaration and refreshing because of the fullness of His Spirit within. Lord, teach me to rejoice in Thee, and to rejoice evermore. The joy of the Lord is the strength of His people, The sunshine that scatters their sadness and gloom; The fountain that bursts in the desert of sorrow, And sheds o'er the wilderness, gladness and bloom. And again I say, Rejoice -Philippians 4:4

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

God Is Light 1 John 1:5 Dr. Paul Chappell

God Is Light"
by Dr. Paul Chappell

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

1 John 1:5

Moses had a level of fellowship and closeness with God like few others who have ever lived. While he was with God on Mount Sinai, receiving the ten commandments that would form the basis of the law that would govern Israel as a nation, Moses asked to see God's glory in its fullness and splendor. God told Moses that his request—if answered—would kill him. Instead God let Moses see as much as he could without perishing. “And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen” (Exodus 33:22-23).

That fleeting glimpse of God's glory was enough to change Moses' appearance. Though he was not aware of it, he came down from the mountain literally glowing. “And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him” (Exodus 34:30). God's light and glory is that bright. Though our world portrays God as a figure of jest or a foolish old man, He is high and lifted up, and He is complete light without any shadow or darkness of any kind.

The time that we spend in His presence will impact us. It will change the way we think, talk, act, and even look, just as it did with Moses. This is not a measure of our holiness, or a subject for pride, but a reflection of God's light. It should be obvious to those who know us best that the time we have spent with God has impacted every part of our lives.

Today's Growth Principle:
God's light is meant to be reflected from our lives to the lost and darkened world around us.

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Other Beattitude Matt 11:6 F.B Meyer

F.B Meyer


"And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me."-- Mat 11:6.

OUR LORD put within the reach of His noble Forerunner the blessedness of those who have not seen and yet have believed; of those who trust Him though they are slain; of those who wait the Lord's pleasure; and of those who cannot understand His dealings, but rest in what they know of His heart. This is the beatitude of the unoffended, of those who do not stumble over the mystery of God's dealings with their life.

This Blessedness is within our reach also. There are times when we are overpowered with the mystery of life and nature. The world is so full of pain and sorrow, strong hearts seem breaking under an intolerable load. God's children are sometimes the most bitterly tried. For them the fires are heated seven times; they suffer, not only at the hand of man, but the heavens seem as brass to their cries and tears. The enemy of souls has reason to challenge them with the taunt, "Where is now your God?"

You and I have perhaps been in this plight. We have said, "Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Has He in anger shut up His tender mercies?" We are tempted to stumble; we are prone to fall over the mysteries of God's dealings with us. But it is then that we have the chance of inheriting this new beatitude. If we refuse to bend under the mighty hand of God--questioning, chafing, murmuring at His appointments--we miss the door which would admit us into rich and unalloyed happiness; we fumble about the latch, but it is not lifted. But if we will quiet our souls like a weaned child, anointing our heads and washing our faces, then light will break in on us from the eternal morning. The peace of God will keep our hearts and minds, and we shall enter upon this blessedness of which our Lord speaks.


Forgive our sins, our faithless tears, and our repining murmurs. Lift us on the tide of Thy love into fuller, richer, deeper experiences. May we know what it is to have Christ in us, the Hope of Glory. AMEN

The Enemy Is Yonder Eph 6:10-13 Dr. Paul Chappell

The Enemy Is Yonder
By Dr Paul Chappell

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:10‭-‬13 KJV

As part of his plans for a possible invasion of England, Napoleon sent the combined French and Spanish fleets to sail, knowing that he would only be able to carry out his plans after the British navy had been defeated. Admiral Nelson led the British fleet, but he was outnumbered by the navies of two countries. As the combat neared, Nelson learned that two of his officers had had a falling out and refused to even speak to each other, let alone cooperate for battle. He summoned them both to the HMS Victory, his flagship. When they arrived, he walked with both of them to the ship's rail. Pointing at the sails of the French and Spanish vessels looming on the horizon he simply said, “Gentlemen, yonder is the enemy.” The two men patched up their differences, and together they won the battle.

There is no way for God's people to be victorious over the world around us if we are consumed with fighting each other. Instead we are commanded to humbly work together, helping and encouraging one another in the face of our common enemy. When we realize the power of the forces aligned against us, we realize we have no time for disharmony and discord. Our love for God and the common presence of His Holy Spirit in each of our hearts gives us the basis on which to build a strongly united group of believers who are prepared to work together to win the victory.

Christ Alone Rom 5:17 by A.B Simpson

Christ Alone

God's people sometimes fight tremendous battles to attain to righteousness in trying circumstances. Perhaps they feel guilt because temptation has been allowed to overcome them or, at least, to turn them aside from their singleness of purpose toward God. The resulting conflict is a terrible one as they seek to adjust and be right with God. They find themselves baffled by spiritual foes, and they are helpless and perplexed. How dark and dreary the struggle! At such times how helpless and ineffectual we seem to be! We are almost sure to strive in the spirit of the law; such striving will always result in condemnation and failure. Every disobedience is met by a blow of wrath and discouragement, and we are close to despair. If the tempted and struggling one could only understand, or remember what perhaps he has learned before, that Christ is our righteousness, and that it is not by law but by grace alone that we conquer. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). That is the secret of the battle. They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life -Romans 5:17

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Christ Alone Rom 5:17 by A.B Simpson

Christ Alone

God's people sometimes fight tremendous battles to attain to righteousness in trying circumstances. Perhaps they feel guilt because temptation has been allowed to overcome them or, at least, to turn them aside from their singleness of purpose toward God. The resulting conflict is a terrible one as they seek to adjust and be right with God. They find themselves baffled by spiritual foes, and they are helpless and perplexed. How dark and dreary the struggle! At such times how helpless and ineffectual we seem to be! We are almost sure to strive in the spirit of the law; such striving will always result in condemnation and failure. Every disobedience is met by a blow of wrath and discouragement, and we are close to despair. If the tempted and struggling one could only understand, or remember what perhaps he has learned before, that Christ is our righteousness, and that it is not by law but by grace alone that we conquer. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). That is the secret of the battle. They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life -Romans 5:17

Friday, March 19, 2021

The GREAT PHYSICIAN LUKE 5:31-32 Gene Kissinger.

The great physician:
      redeeming the time brothers podcast a podcast by Gene Kissinger and Norman Kissinger, two brothers who have spent their lives in ministry and raising large families our desire is provide a digital place for those who longed to belong. We are developing discipleship tools, distributing them across multiple platforms to bring about a Rapture Ready body of believers so that when Jesus Christ comes back, he will have no trouble recognizing his own children. Tonight's nightlight is at Luke chapter five and verse 31. 

It says, Jesus answered and said unto them, they that our whole need not a physician, but they that are sick, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. 

     The great physician is Jesus. I want to read you about a physician and then we're going to talk about the great physician. Dr. Pedro Jose Greer has something become something of a legend in Miami as an intern in 1984. Dr. Greer treated a homeless man with tuberculosis a normally curable disease  that had progressed to a fatal stage where was appalled that someone in his own neighborhood could be so poor that he failed to get medical treatment as the man lay dying. Greer spent four days searching the streets for the man's family hoping the man wouldn't die alone. Rather than merely be moan that one case Greer took action, he set up a clinic in a shelter. Beginning with only a folding table, it took other doctors along with him. His camillus health concern is now one of the largest providers for medical care for the poor in South Florida, treating 4500 patients a year. Bria has won numerous awards for his humanitarian efforts. But he's never forgotten the man who died alone.
      between the three days he spends at the clinic and the time he spends in private practice. He searches Miami's worst streets for those who are in need of medical care, Greer's work costs  much yet he sees himself as blessed. I've had the privilege of treating the sick and the honor of working with the poor.
       That's a truly worthwhile thing in life. And that is a good physician, maybe even a great physician. But I want to talk to you about the great physician in the context of the passage that I read. Jesus had called Levi from the IRS of his day to come in to follow him. The publicans as they were called, were despised by the culture around them. They weren't somebody that was going to get treated well by anybody. In the Jewish community. They were despised, lumped together with prostitutes, publicans and prostitutes would have been at the  same level in that biblical era, and really despised looked down on and Jesus didn't look down on either one of those.  He reached out to everyone in every circumstance, he was that great physician. And when the Pharisees criticized him over reaching out to levi, He said those that are whole don't need a physician, but those that are sick do, I didn't come to call the righteous, I came to call sinners. Here's a little secret this Pharisees didn't know they were sinners, He came for them, but they were just too proud to admit that, they were too proud to get care.  Because they had the pharisee attitude, that pride that I know it all, I've got it all worked out, everything is under control, because they had that sort of a mindset they missed Messiahm  levi didn't miss Messiah. Levi, ( Matthew is his other name,) is the author of a  gospel. He didn't miss Messiah because he was humble enough to admit his need and follow the great physician. That great physician wants to reach out to you.  The Great Physician stepped out of the corridors of heaven, and came down and walked the dusty Galilean pathways to call men and women boys and girls, to repentant and believe for the Kingdom of God is at hand. And that same physician strides down the wide avenues of this world that are leading to destruction and cause us to turn off into a straight and narrow way that leads to life everlasting. Unfortunately, there are very few people that will take the treatment, are you one that's wise enough and humble enough to say,  "Jesus you know what, I'm a dressed up mess, I am a sinner, guilty before you.  God I have a lying tongue, Lord, I have an adulterous heart, I've got a heated anger that can bend towards hatred and Your word calls that murder. God, I'm a mass all of the best that I have, all of my righteousness is nothing but filthy rags. I've got nothing that could earn me heaven, because your Word says, 'Be He therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.' Matthew 5:48 and if that's the standard for heaven, Jesus, I won't make it on my own. I need you to apply your righteousness, the medication of your blood that was shed on the cross to my life so that I can be made right with you."

The blood of Jesus Christ is the antidote to your sin problem. It's the only antidote, there's no other, you can't add enough good works to deal with your sin issue. You can't get enough accolades from human sources, to somehow get God to let you into heaven because of your wonderful letters of reference. The only way that you and I get there is by the grace of God and the grace of God was purchased by the cross of Christ, and the shed blood that the great physician poured out for us. What a good God. I'm so thankful for Him, I hope that you will take what I'm saying seriously, and I hope that you'll, in a humble way, repent before God today. It's so simple. It just means confessing that we're sinner. And I am and you are, Billy Graham was, Mother Teresa was, everybody that's ever been born of a woman with the exception of Christ, is a sinner. And we need that sin problem dealt with and as you repent of your sin, and you believe that Christ's work on the cross is what provides salvation full and free to you.  You receive that salvation and accept Him as Lord, the supreme authority of your life and it begins to change how you behave. He changes your attitudes and actions, your belief and your behavior, your character and your conduct. He changes everything. What a good God.

   Can we pray?  I'm gonna pray and give a prayer that you can offer up to God right now, and then I'm going to pray for you. If you'd like to trust Christ as your Lord and Savior, pray this prayer after me but speak it to God. If it represents the thoughts and feelings of your heart, say, dear Lord,

"Please forgive me of my sins.

And they are many God.

Come into my heart, and wash me with your blood.

Thank you for dying on the cross for me.

Thank you for filling me with your Holy Spirit at this moment.

Thank you for heaven as my home.

Lord, right now I make you the authority in my life, the boss of my life.

Lord, I turn the steering wheel of my life over to you allowing you to control what direction I go and the speed that I go. Help me God to live in a way that is well pleasing to you. I asked this in the name of Jesus. Amen." 

Dear Lord God, I pray thee to be with those that prayed this prayer.  Help them to get a hold of me, or another believer that they might learn the next steps to take. I thank you for the gift of salvation. I thank you that you made it simple enough that I, as a child of seven, could understand how to do it and I thank you that you've made it so doctrinally rich and powerful that theologians can spend their entire existence trying to understand it, in its depth, I pray that you would be with these give them a supernatural sense of your presence. Today
  Let them know you love them and care for them. I thank you for all that you've done.  We ask this in Jesus name, amen. 
Hey, God bless you.
 I love you. But Jesus loves you even more. You have a great Day.

An Inside Job by Dr Paul Chappell


by Dr. Paul Chappell

Wherewith shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

Micah 6:6-8

One of the most illogical facades people put on is that of trying to impress God with outward acts of worship or service while inwardly rebelling against God from the heart. This is what was happening in the prophet Micah's day. The people were bringing the required sacrifices before the Lord, but at the same time they were violently oppressing the poor and obtaining the very wealth they were offering to God by deceit. God told Micah that no matter how many sacrifices the people might bring, He wanted them to correct their hearts. There are no outward displays of religious devotion which we can make that will substitute for the inward obedience which God demands. He does want our outward behavior to be right—indeed He insists on it. But that starts on the inside.

When we are focused only on the outward, it is easy for us to be lead off course. The Pharisees in Jesus' day had all the outward trappings of obedience, but their hearts were far from being filled with love for God. Instead they were content as long as others thought of them as righteous. One of the reasons they hated Jesus so much was that He pointed out that their outward compliance with the law was not enough to please God.

Today's Growth Principle:
The obedient Christian life is lived inside out—it starts with the heart first, and the outward actions follow from that.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Simple Grace Ps 105:8 A.B Simpson

A.B Simpson

As long as we struggle under law-that is, by our own effort-sin shall have dominion over us. But the moment we step from under the shadow of Sinai and throw ourselves upon the simple grace of Christ and His free and absolute gift of righteousness, the struggle is practically over. We take Him to be to us what He has pledged Himself to be-our righteousness of thought and feeling-and ask Him to keep us, in spite of everything that ever can be against us, in His perfect will and peace. Do we really know and believe that this is the very promise of the gospel, the very essence of the new covenant? Do we believe Christ pledges Himself to put His law in our hearts, to cause us to walk in His statutes and to keep His judgments and do them? Do we know that this is the oath which He swore unto Abraham-that he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life? (Luke 1:74-75). He has sworn to do this for us, and He is faithful that promised. Let us trust Him. He hath remembered his covenant forever -Psalm 105:8

Devices 2 Cor 2:11 by Gene Kissinger



Satan's devices:

redeeming the time brothers podcast a podcast by Gene Kissinger and Norman Kissinger, two brothers who spent their lives in ministry and raising large families our desire is provide a digital place for those who longed to belong. And as always, we want to leave a nightlight on for you that nightlight is, 

second Corinthians chapter two and verse 11. It says "lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices". This passage, the context of it is Paul is writing about restoring a man who had wandered into sin. But he had to bring about a

church discipline issue with him to get the Corinthian church back on track that allowed all kinds of immorality in the church. And he wants them to bring restoration as the man is truly repentant and headed back, I want to talk to you though, in a more general sense about Satan's devices, and then God's strategies to be able to deal with Satan's devices. Satan's devices are his Mo, his Modus of operation, how he handles things. Now, basically, when we're tempted to sin there's three basic types of temptation. There's the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, if you want to go back to Genesis, and the book of first john, we're also tempted by three basic enemies we have the world which tries to conform us, shape us into its mold, push us into its mold, you have the flesh, which tries to use this gravitational pull, to drag us back down to the old way of living, causing our old habits to chain us. And then there is the devil, satanic forces, the demonic that is out there, there's a there's a battle that's going on in the spirit world. And that battle is really for your soul. Satan wants to destroy you, but Jesus wants to restore you. So how are we to win this battle, if we have these three arenas of temptation, and these three enemies that are against us, I want to suggest three basic battle plans that you can use to deal with those issues in your life. Number one is this. When you're facing a physical temptation, where you're tempted to do something in the physical realm with your physical body, a lot of times what you can do is run the Bible says to flee sexual immorality. In other words, there's often a location that you're in that you should not be in, there are places that you ought not to go, if you go to a bar, you're quite likely to drink. So don't go to the bar, if you hang out at a skate park where they sell drugs, you're quite likely to do drugs. So don't hang out there, if that's what you're doing, you need to beat feet down the street, Joseph, in the Old Testament book of Genesis, finds himself where there is a woman is trying to seduce him. And he runs, he actually literally flees, and sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is lace up your shoes and take off and get out of there, change your location. And now you've dealt in large measure, with the temptation that's there. So there are some physical sins that you need to run from. There are other sins that you can't run from. So the Bible says to resist the devil. So sometimes when the attack is from the demonic, it may be an attack on your mind or your emotions, and you can't run from your mind or your emotions. So you have to resist the devil and he will flee from you The Bible says.  That means that as you and I use the word of God to resist the devil, he begins to flee from us and we begin to gain the victory in that area. Another one is when the temptation is from a persistent mindset from a past sin pattern, and your flesh is used to sinning a certain way, one of the things that you have to do is you have to be sure to replace those wrong thought processes. In other words, you can't tell yourself just don't think about it.  For example if I say don't think about an elephant, you instantly pictured an elephant. But if I instead had you thinking about a pink polar bear your mind instead of envisioning the elephant is now envisioning the pink polar bear.  There's a kind of a replacement that goes on because your mind is not designed to work in a vacuum. You so if you want to get rid of ungodly thought patterns, you have to replace them with godly thought patterns that are saturated by the word of God. That's why I suggest memorizing scripture, especially specific scripture that deals with the specific temptation that you find yourself battling with that equips you to be able to replace those same thoughts with God thoughts so that when you first become aware of it, you then begin to quote in your mind or your heart, those Bible verses that deal with that specific area and God's truth brings victory into your life. So these strategies, running Replacing and resisting are powerful techniques. If you'll apply them consistently you're begin to move into the Canaan land, you'll begin to move into real Christian victory in your life but you have to be consistent and you have to be intentional Satan is intentional, the world is intentional. And unfortunately your old nature is intentional. So you need to be using the right strategies in the right way.

Let me pray for you, dear Lord God, I pray that you'd be with these dear ones under the sound of my voice, give them a supernatural victory in whatever satanic battles they're facing and help them God to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. Help them to deal with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Help them God to be your people for this place in time in Jesus name, amen. Hey, I love you and remember Jesus loves you so very much. Have a good night.

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Monday, March 15, 2021

Atmosphere A.B Simpson

A.B Simpsob

There are many different atmospheres in which one may live. Some people live in an atmosphere of thought. Their faces are thoughtful, their minds intellectual. They live in their ideas, their concepts of truth, their tastes and aesthetic nature. Other people live in their animal nature, in the lusts of the flesh and eye, the coarse, low atmosphere of a sensuous life, or worse. Still others live in a world of duty. The predominating feature of their lives is conscience, and it carries with it a certain shadowy fear that takes away the simple freedom and gladness of life. Admittedly, in the latter there is a rectitude, an uprightness, a strictness of purpose and of conduct which cannot be ignored or questioned. But Christ bids us live in an atmosphere of love. As my Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. In the original it is, live in my love. Love is the atmosphere in which He would have us constantly live-that is, believing that He ever loves us and claiming His divine approval and tender regard. This is the life of love. Continue ye in my love -John 15:9

Filled Acts 2:4 F.B Meyer


F.B Meyer

"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."--- Act 2:4.

ON THE day of Pentecost all who were gathered together in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit--women as well as men, obscure disciples, as well as illustrious apostles. Deacons called to do the secular business of the Church must be men filled with the Holy Ghost. That he was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost, was a greater recommendation of Barnabas than that he had parted with his lands.

The majority of Christians have seemed to suppose that the filling of the Holy Spirit was the prerogative of a few--they have never thought of it as within their reach; and the Church has been paralysed for lack of the only power that can avail in the conflict against the world, the power which was distinctly pledged by her ascending Lord. Pentecost was meant to be the specimen and type of all the days of the years of this present age, and we have fallen far below this blessed level, not because of any failure on God's part, but because the Church has neglected its privilege.

We must desire to be filled for the glory of God. We must seek the Spirit's power, not for our own happiness and comfort, nor even for the good that we may be the better able to effect, but that "Christ may be magnified in our bodies, whether by life or death."

We must bring cleansed vessels. God will not deposit His precious gift in unclean receptacles. We must be washed in the blood of Christ from all conscious filthiness and stain, ere we can presume to expect that God will give us what we seek.

We must appropriate Him by faith. There is no need for us to wait, because the Holy Spirit has been given to the Church. We need not struggle and agonize in the vehemence of entreaty, but have simply to take what God is waiting to impart. He gives the Holy Spirit to them that obey Him (Act 5:32).

We must be prepared to let the Holy Spirit do as He will with and through us. There must be no reserve, no holding back, no contrariety of purpose. Let us believe and reckon that we are being filled with new power and joy which shall be for the glory of God and the service of man.


We pray, O God, that the Holy Spirit may so infill us, that sin and self may have no dominion over us, but that the fruits of the Spirit may abound to Thy honour and glory. AMEN.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Danger of False Teaching 2 Tim 2:15-20 by Charles Stanley


Charles Stanley

2 Timothy 2:16-21

But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.  And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;  Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.  Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.  But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.  If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
2 Timothy 2:16‭-‬21 KJV

Ever since the beginning of church history, believers have been in a battle for the truth. That’s why, in today’s reading, Paul admonished Timothy to be faithful—not only in preaching God’s Word but also in refuting false doctrines. Both types of instruction are necessary for the health of a local congregation. False teaching …

• Leads to further ungodliness (2 Timothy 2:16). A false teacher’s words may sound religious, but something counterfeit can never make a person righteous. Apart from the true Word of God (John 17:17), no one can grow in holiness.

• Spreads like gangrene (2 Timothy 2:17). Once deceitful ideas infiltrate a church and are accepted by a few, contagion can ultimately make the entire congregation spiritually sick and prone to ignore the Spirit’s power.

• Overthrows the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18-19). The church as a whole loses effectiveness when individual members turn away from Christ to embrace error.

If we’re firmly grounded in the Scriptures, we can more easily recognize and flee from seductive ideas that would lead us astray. Accurate knowledge of God’s Word is our best protection.

The Doulos Spirit A.B Simpson


A.B Simpson
The Doulos Spirit

The first word here used for service is diakanos, which means minister to others in any usual way or work. The word doulos, however, means a bondservant, and the Lord here plainly teaches us that this is the highest form of service. Christ made himself the servant of all, and he who would come nearest to Him and stand closest to Him at last must likewise learn the spirit of the ministry that has utterly renounced selfish rights and claims forever. It is quite possible for us to be entirely loyal to the Lord Jesus, and yet for His sake to be servants and under the authority of those who are over us in the Lord. The doulos spirit is the spirit of self-renunciation and glad submission to proper authority-service utterly disinterested, yielding its own preferences and interests unreservedly for the glory of the Master and the sake of our brethren. Lord, clothe us with such humility and make us wholly Thine. But whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant -Matthew 20:26-27

Faithful in little by A.B Simpson


A.B. Simpson
The man who missed his opportunity and met the doom of the faithless servant was not the man with five talents, or the man with two, but the man who had only one. The people who are in danger of missing life's great meaning are the people of ordinary capacity and opportunity who say to themselves, There is so little I can do that I will not try to do anything. One of the finest windows in Europe was made from the remnants an apprentice boy collected from the cuttings of his master's great work. The sweepings of the British mint are worth millions. The little pivots on which the works of a watch turn are so important that they actually are made of jewels. God places a solemn value on a single talent. He puts a large responsibility on the humble workers and persons who would try to hide behind the insignificance of trifling opportunities. Our littleness will not excuse us in the reckoning day. Talk not of talents; what hast thou to do? Thou hast sufficient, whether five or two. Talk not of talents; is thy duty done? This brings the blessing whether ten or one. Faithful in that which is least -Luke 16:10

Passion Gal 2:20 by Charles Stanley

Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20 KJV

When young children want something they can’t have immediately, it often becomes their unrelenting focus. They persistently ask for new toys, experiences, or additional treats, perhaps even throwing a tantrum when their request is denied. If we’re honest, there are times we behave like that with God.

During the early days of the church, the word passion referred to these persistent, uncontrolled desires of the flesh that draw us away from God. When Paul wrote to the Galatians, this is exactly what he wanted them to remember—that to belong to Jesus means that these passions have been crucified with Christ (Gal. 2:20; Gal. 5:24).

We deal with harmful desires by taking slow, measured steps away from them and toward the Lord. It’s only as we relinquish our passions and retrain our focus that we’ll realize our fulfillment comes from Christ alone. But remember, you don’t have to get there all at once. It takes patience to surrender your passions and actively seek the Lord.

Think about it
• Throughout the day, notice what things you’re attached to by asking, What holds my attention most of the time? Consider writing them down or discussing them with a trusted friend.

Bible in One Year: Joshua 7-9

Keep Yourself Jude 21 A.B Simpson


Keep Yourself in The Love of God

Some time ago, I was enjoying a beautiful sunset. The western skies seemed like a great archipelago of golden islands, the masses in the distance rising up into vast mountains of glory. The hue of the sky was so gorgeous that it seemed to reflect itself upon the whole atmosphere as I looked back from the west to the eastern horizon. The whole earth was radiant with glory. The fields had changed to strange red richness, and the earth seemed bathed with the dews of heaven. So it is when the love of God shines through all our celestial sky; it covers everything below, and life becomes radiant with its light. Things that were hard become easy. Things that were biting become sweet. Labor loses its burden, and sorrow becomes silver-lined with hope and gladness. There are two ways of living in God's love: one is constant trust; the other is constant obedience. God's own Word gives the message for both. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love John 15:10). Keep yourselves in the love of God -Jude 21

A Story To Share Ps 44:1-3 by Dr. Paul Chappell

A Story to Share

by Dr. Paul Chappell

We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old. How thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand, and plantedst them; how thou didst afflict the people, and cast them out. For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them.

Psalm 44:1-3

One of the great pleasures of being a grandparent is getting to tell a new generation about the wonderful things God has done in our lives. I remember telling my children some of these same stories when they were little. Now we are doing what we can to strengthen and encourage the faith of the next generation. But something else is important as well—I don't want to just tell them stories from many years ago. I want to be able to tell them and show them what God is doing right now. God has always been faithful through the years, and we must not forget all that He has done for us. But we must also not be content to rest on the past.

God is not through with any of us. The fact that we are still alive and here on earth means that He still has things for us to do. There are new battles to be fought and new foes to be defeated. There are lost people to reach and Christians to encourage. There are new challenges that require new prayers to see new provision. The God who parted the Red Sea, gave David victory over Goliath, and made the sun stand still for Joshua is the God we love and serve. The God who answered the prayers of Hannah and Esther and Nehemiah hears when we call out to Him. We need new stories of God at work in our lives to share with those who come after us.

Today's Growth Principle:
As long as we live, we should be looking for the work God has for us to do and putting ourselves wholly into it.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

God Never Changes, Dr. Paul Chappell



 God Never Changes

by Dr. Paul Chappell

And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.

Hebrews 1:10-12

Most of us have had the experience of going back as adults to visit a place that was special to us when we were young. Perhaps it was a grandparent's house or a church or a park—but wherever it was we have the memories of the way we experienced it as children. Yet often when we return to those places, we find that they are very different from our memories. It may be that we simply did not have the perspective as children to see things as they really were. Buildings that once seemed huge may now look small. It may be that the passage of time has changed them, so that some of the things we remember are simply no longer there. Anyone who has had that experience suffers a feeling of loss or displacement—and a nostalgia for the way things used to be.

As Christians, we have a relationship with a God who never changes. He is always the same, and we need never fear that we will go to Him and find that He is no longer willing or able to help us. God exists outside of the space and time that border our existence. He is not subject to aging or the effects of decay that take their toll on both people and places in our fallen world. God will always be just as present and real and powerful as He was in the past and is today. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” (Exodus 3:14).

Today's Growth Principle: 

Our faith has a firm foundation because the God who made the promises we claim will never change.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Peace Of God A.B Simpson


It is not peace with God, but the peace of God that [keeps our] hearts and minds. The peace which passeth all understanding is the very breath of God in the soul. He alone is able to keep it, and He can so keep it that "nothing shall offend us." Is this your experience? God's rest did not come until His work was finished. Nor will ours. We begin our Christian lives by working, trying and struggling in the energy of the flesh to save ourselves. At last, when we are able to cease from our own work, God comes in with His blessed rest and works His own divine will in us. Oh! have you heard the glorious word Of hope and holy cheer? From heav'n above its tones of love Are lingering on my ear; The blessed Comforter has come, And Christ will soon be here. Oh hearts that sigh, there's succor nigh, The Comforter is near; He comes to bring us to our King, And fit us to appear. I'm glad the Comforter has come, And Christ will soon be here. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds -Philippians 4:7

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Work Eph. 6:7 F.B Meyer



"With goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men."-- Eph 6:7.

THE COMMON drudgery of daily life can be a Divine Calling. We often speak of a young man as "being called to the Ministry"; but it is as fitting to speak of a carpenter being called to the bench, the blacksmith to the forge, and the shoemaker to his last. "Brethren," said the Apostle, "let every man wherein he is called, therein abide with God."

Remember that your life has been appointed by God's wise providence. God as much sent Joseph to the drudgery and discipline of the prison as to the glory and responsibility of the palace. Nothing happens to us which is not included in His plan for us; and the incidents which seem most tiresome are often contrived to give us opportunities to become nobler, stronger characters.

We are called to be faithful in performing our assigned duties. Not brilliance, not success, not notoriety which attracts the world's notice, but the regular, quiet, and careful performance of trivial and common duties; faithfulness in that which is least is as great an attainment in God's sight as in the greatest.

In every piece of honest work, however irksome, laborious, and commonplace, we are fellow-workers with God. We must help God to give men their daily bread. It is for Him to cause the growth of the corn, but man must reap and thresh, grind out the flour, make and distribute the bread. The tailor is God's fellow-workman, helping Him to clothe the bodies which He has made to need garments of various textures. The builder co-operates with God in housing His children. The merchant helps to bring the products of the East to refresh and enrich the toiling masses of the West. God uses man in a thousand ways to serve the children of men.

Take up your work, then, you who seem to be the nobodies, the drudges, the maid-of-all-work, the clerk, or shop assistant. Do it with a brave heart, looking up to Him who for many "years toiled at the carpenter's bench. Amid the many scenes and actions of life, set the Lord always before your face. Do all as in His presence, and to win His smile; and be sure to cultivate a spirit of love to God and man. Look out for opportunities of cheering your fellow-workers. Do not murmur or grumble, but let your heart rise from your toil to God your Maker, Saviour, and Friend. So the lowliest service will glisten, as grass-blades do when sun and dewdrops garnish them.


Be not far from me, O Lord, this day; and through all its hours may I be found doing those things which are well-pleasing in Thy sight. AMEN.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Giving Love Mark 8:35 A.B Simpson

Giving Love
How shall we know the difference between earthly and heavenly love? The one centers on ourselves and is partly our ego seeking its own gratification. The other reaches out to God and to people and finds its Joy in glorifying Him and blessing them. Love is unselfishness, and the love that is not unselfish is not divine. How much do we give to others, and how much do we take for ourselves? What is the center of our being-ourselves, or our Lord and His people and work? May the Lord help us to know more fully the meaning of that great truth, It is more blessed to give than to receive. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it (Mark 8:35). Have you found some precious treasure? Pass it on. Have you found some holy pleasure? Pass it on. Giving out is twice possessing, Love will double every blessing, On to higher service pressing, Pass it on. It is more blessed to give than to receive -Acts 20:35

Passion Gal 2:20 by Charles Stanley

Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20 KJV

When young children want something they can’t have immediately, it often becomes their unrelenting focus. They persistently ask for new toys, experiences, or additional treats, perhaps even throwing a tantrum when their request is denied. If we’re honest, there are times we behave like that with God.

During the early days of the church, the word passion referred to these persistent, uncontrolled desires of the flesh that draw us away from God. When Paul wrote to the Galatians, this is exactly what he wanted them to remember—that to belong to Jesus means that these passions have been crucified with Christ (Gal. 2:20; Gal. 5:24).

We deal with harmful desires by taking slow, measured steps away from them and toward the Lord. It’s only as we relinquish our passions and retrain our focus that we’ll realize our fulfillment comes from Christ alone. But remember, you don’t have to get there all at once. It takes patience to surrender your passions and actively seek the Lord.

Think about it
• Throughout the day, notice what things you’re attached to by asking, What holds my attention most of the time? Consider writing them down or discussing them with a trusted friend.

Bible in One Year: Joshua 7-9

Friday, March 5, 2021

Sweeter By Arian Rogers


Adrian Rogers

Love Worth Finding
Every Day Can Be Sweeter Than the Day Before

“Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…” (Hebrews 3:15)
We hear people say, "Well, get right with God—you may die." Let me change that: "Get right with God—you may live." And if you live, you can live with Jesus.

Don't get the idea that being a Christian is paying some sort of penalty to get into Heaven…like taking bad medicine to get well. You don't like the way it tastes, but you choke it down.

I would be a Christian even if there were no Heaven or Hell, just to be able to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in this life. Now, there is a Heaven and there is a Hell, but serving Jesus is so wonderful, I’d do it even if there weren’t. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, and… have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

Oh, there are sorrows. We have troubles. Persecutions, certainly. Unsaved people have them too. But God’s child has Someone to bring his sorrows to. A Christian has a hope and a strength and looks forward to the day when there'll be no more sorrows, no more suffering when Jesus takes every tear and turns it to a pearl; the day He takes every hurt and turns it to a hallelujah.

We have a loving Savior. How wonderful to know the Lord Jesus Christ in this life. Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. Get right with God now, because you may live.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Jesus is Coming Soon Acts 1:9-11 Dr. Paul Chappell


Jesus Is Coming Again

by Dr. Paul Chappell

And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Acts 1:9-11

It has been nearly two thousand years since Jesus left His disciples standing on a hillside looking up into the clouds as He returned to Heaven. Despite His repeated telling them that this would happen, they seem to have been surprised that Jesus had left them. Then, rather than swinging into obedience to do the job He had left them to do, they were still standing around when the angels showed up to prod them into action. That prodding came with an affirmation of the promise that Jesus would one day return.

The passing of centuries has not changed the certainty of that promise. Jesus will come again, and it could be today. There are no events that must take place or prophecies that must be fulfilled before the Lord returns. He could come for us at any moment. Our task is not to try to decode current events or figure our the timing of that return, but to be actively obeying every day so that we are ready for Him. “And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming” (1 John 2:28).

Dr. John Rice wrote:

Come, dear Lord Jesus, for long we've been watching;

God's children are homesick for Heaven, our home.

Come then, Lord Jesus, come quickly and take us;

The wedding feast waits when the Bridegroom shall come.

Jesus is coming, is coming, is coming

It may be tomorrow, it may be today

Maybe the trumpet sound, maybe the angel's shout

Then “Come up higher” the Saviour shall say.

Today's Growth Principle:
Knowing that Jesus could return today should govern the way we act and think and use every moment.

Banishing Pain Rev 21:4 by FB Meyer



"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain."-- Rev 21:4.

THERE ARE few lives in the world that escape pain. Beneath the outer surface of our physical frame there is a network of nerves, every fibre of which may become the source of suffering. We hardly realise that health is due to the combined action of thousands of delicate fibres, each moving in perfect accord with all the rest; but if one of these minute chords is jarred or out of tune, there ensues the discord of pain.

Our minds and hearts are as susceptible to suffering as our bodies. Probably there is more suffering generated in the world through the derangement of the soul than of the body. A wounded spirit, who can bear? The sensitive network of our affections, of our hopes and fears, of our attitude toward God or our fellow-men, and our self-consciousness, are capable of inflicting suffering, so acute and imperious, as to be an agony which can make us almost oblivious to physical pain.

Pain has a purpose. It is a danger-signal, which compels us to refrain from the things which have caused it, or to have recourse to the physician for alleviation. In the moral world, God has made the way of transgressors hard, and sown their paths with thorns, so as to dissuade and turn evildoers from their wicked ways. In the spiritual world, the sharp sting of remorse, the scourge of conscience, the agony of conviction, when, like Peter, we have denied our Lord, are of inestimable value in reminding us that we have run off the line and are tearing up the track.

Our Lord Jesus suffered Pain. He was a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief. He was moved with compassion as He beheld sorrow and suffer-hag, and was constantly relieving pain and healing disease. In this He gave an evident sign that one day He would abolish it.

Why did the Seer at Patinas affirm that Pain should be no more? Because Pain arises from dislocation, and in that fair world, every limb and joint will work without fret or friction. Because Pain is the result of sin, and sin shall be no more. Because Pain was induced by the fruit of the knowledge of evil, and we shall eat of the tree of life, whose leaves shall be for the healing of the nations. Then there will be Songs instead of Sighs, and Anthems instead of Heartbreak.


Grant, O Lord, that we, and all whom we love, and all weary and tired souls, may rest in peace, and may finally enter into the city where there shall be no more sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, nor sin, for the former things shall have passed away. AMEN.