Saturday, October 10, 2020

Warning Light John 8:9 Gene Kissinger

The warning light redeeming the time brothers podcast a podcast by Gene Kissinger, Norman Kissinger, two brothers who spent their lives in ministry and raising large families want to leave a nightlight on for you.  That nightlight is out of john chapter eight and verse nine. It says, 
And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. John 8:9 KJV
their consciences cause these accusers to drop their stones and walk away The setting is the woman caught in adultery brought to Christ and thrown down  in front of him.  The accusers then said, Moses commanded that any caught in adultery should be stoned, what do you say? And he stoops down and writes in the dirt. And then he says, After a while, whoever's without sin cast the first stone, and they're pricked in their conscience, and they walk away from the oldest to the youngest.
     Your conscience is like a warning light. I Remember one of the times that I ignored a warning light to my own peril. It was an oil light that came on in a car, a used car, admittedly, an old used car that I was driving, and the oil light came on,  I was on the freeway, but I was fairly close to the Jerome exit, and I decided that I could go ahead and risk it and limp it up off of the freeway on to South Lincoln. And then perhaps I could get walk to a store and get some oil. Well, turns out, I didn't have that kind of time, by the time I got up the on ramp, I threw in a rod and literally, the car was turned into a pile of junk because it would have cost more to fix it than the car was even worth. And so I ignored the warning light at my own peril. I didn't pay attention to the lesson that was there for me.
       God has given you the gift of a warning light. And that warning light is your conscience and it turns on and it flashes to get your attention. When you're about ready to do something really stupid or sinful.  What should you do when your warning light comes on? What should you do, when the alarm bell starts ringing? Well, one thing that these gentlemen finally did to their credit was they walked away from the situation. The Bible says flee youthful lust and indeed, that's a good lesson for all of us to run from some sins that are situational sins, these are sins, that if we get in the wrong situation with the wrong person, something bad's probably going to happen. And so we need to get out of that in order to preserve our integrity. Other other sins require you to stand against satanic attack requires you to take a stand based on the Word of God, Jesus answers this way in the temptation in Matthew chapter four, where Satan comes three different times (at least three different times with those instances being recorded by Matthew,) and he answers with the Word of God, with the Word of God,  with the Word of God. And we need to be answering with the Word of God. The Bible says that there is no temptation taken you but such as common to man and he will also with the temptation, make a way of escape so you can get out of it.  He's not going to leave you where you're going to destroy yourself, he allows the conscience to be like a light that points towards a pathway out, and we need to be wise enough to take that pathway, When it's presented to us. Now your conscience can be developed and it can be destroyed, your conscience can be tuned up. And how you tune it up is by exposing it to good sources, especially the word of God and a good also a good crowd around you that are going in the right direction, individuals that are setting an example for you, in how to live a godly life. this exposure to good sourses tunes your conscience up so that it's more able more able to recognize sin patterns, when they try to develop. So I want to encourage you to not destroy your conscience by shutting it up. But instead, by tuning it up and getting into the Word of God and really paying attention when it's going off, because it can save you from a world of heartache. Let's pray. Dear Lord God, I pray that you'd Forgive me for the times that I've violated this concept or principle, Lord, and I know those under the sound of my voice have certainly done the same. We are a people of unclean lips. There have been many times where we've disappointed you more than we've pleased you.  God, we come before you asking for your forgiveness and your grace. Father, I pray for you to help us to find legitimate ways to meet the needs that are in our life and not the illegitimate ways. We know that Satan tried to take legitimate needs and turn them into a point of temptation for Christ. And certainly he does that with us as well.  Help us to stand strong knowing that you're the God who rules and reigns and you're going to take care of us. You're going to guide us and direct us I pray that you just help us to pay attention to that wonderful warning light of our conscience. When it goes off. Help us to take action on what it says in Jesus name, amen.

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