Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The Magi by Robert Morgan
Saturday, December 18, 2021
The Rest Of The Story Matt 2:12 By Gene Kissinger
The Rest of the Story Redeeming the time brothers podcast by Gene Kissinger and Norman Kissinger, two brothers who spent their lives in ministry and raising large families. Our desire is to provide a digital place for those who long belong. As always, we want to leave a nightlight on for that nightlight is in Matthew chapter two and verse 12.
'And being warned of God and a dream that they should not return to her that departed into their own country another way."
This is the wise men after having presented their treasures to the baby Jesus, they go back to their own country after having been warned off from going back and talking to King Harold by God. Let me explain this to you about the rest of the story.
One of the most famous voices on radio Paul Harvey began his broadcast career when he was just a teenager living in Oklahoma. His personal style made him a fixture on radio stations across the nation. One of his best known features was a series of broadcasts called the rest of the story, which ran for more than 30 years, Harvey would tell part of a well known story without revealing all the details, then he would fill in the background information that explained what people knew and reveal whose story it was. Now, you know the rest of the story, he would conclude.
I think sometimes when we look at the Christmas story, we're missing the rest of the story. You see a wicked king like Herod, who's trying to manipulate the wise men and the scribes and the Pharisees to gather information so that he can stop Jesus from even really being born and growing up. And God circumvents that in a supernatural way. All of his machinations turn to nothing, because he gives a revelatory dream to those wise men. And they go home another way they don't go back to Herod. Take Caesar, who in Luke two is sending out a decree to tax the world. And that taxing literally ends up fulfilling Bible prophecy. So that Jesus is born in Bethlehem in answer to a prophetic word of God in the Old Testament, so Caesar and Herod are used by God to accomplish the Christmas story. It's the rest of the story. And whether it's the shepherds that are just out watching their sheep at night, or it's the common people that are sort of wandering ariund hearing these amazing stories. They're all part of God's supernatural agenda. They don't know what's going on. But God knows exactly what's going on. God can work through the woof and weave of the fabric of our life and accomplish His sovereign purpose. Even when politicians are crooked, even when we don't understand and acknowledge what's going on. Even when it seems like everything is dark, God is about to shine a bright light in the midst of it. And that's the rest of the story. God caused a light to shine in a region of darkness. And that's what Christmas is all about. And it's not just the star that shines, it's the light of the gospel, shining into our dark sin cursed world. And Jesus brings the victory and the rest of the story.
We know the story about the shopping, the parties, the back ordered gifts sitting in a container ship off of the California coast. But do you know the rest of the story? The real story? You can still have Christmas. Gather with family and friends and dig into the “Rest of the Story” I read it every year to my kids before they touch a present. You will find it in Luke 2:1-20 and Matt 2:1-12. May you have a refreshing Christmas as you dig into the rest of the story. I close with a
Refresh of the song white Christmas by Russel Kelfer
I'm praying for a white Christmas
(Not like the ones we've always known)
But a time of reflecting,
When hearts are connecting,
With why that baby boy was born...
I'm praying for a white Christmas
Won't you join in praying, too
That God's great story
Will bring Him glory
As in men's hearts He's born anew
Russel Kelfer
Dear Lord God, I thank you for these dear ones. I pray that you bless them. Allow them to know that you love them and care for them and let them know that no matter what machinations Satan may be bringing against them, no matter what treacheries have taken place in the broader culture, we know that we can turn to you and trust in you because you're a God who can snatch a victory out of a place of defeat. You can bring light in darkness, victory out of defeat. Thank you for being who you are watching over us. God draws close to you. In Jesus most holy, precious and powerful name, amen. Hey, God bless you. I love you but Jesus loves you so much more. Have a great night.