Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Victory Over Death Isa 25:8 F.B Meyer

F.B Meyer


"He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces."-- Isa 25:8.

"O Death, where is thy sting? O Grave, where is thy victory?"-- 1Co 15:55.

"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."-- Rev 7:17.

IN THIS marvellous chapter, Isaiah sings a Song of Hope, as he sees the return of the Hebrew people from captivity, and the overthrow of their foes. The Apostle Paul takes up this thought in 1 Cor. 15. He shows that death is the penalty of sin, and it is by the demands of the law that sin is stirred to activity. But Christ has satisfied and met the claims of the law, and gives power by which we are enabled to obey it; therefore the strength of sin is broken, and the sting of death is gone.

The Christian need not dread to die. For him there is no uncertainty about the future. There is no fear of what may come after death, for the condemnation of the law has been met and borne. We may apostrophise death in these exultant words. The viper has been deprived of its fangs! the prison-house cannot hold its inmates! Bunyan describes Satan as exhorting Captain Sepulchre to be sure to hold Christ, but the injunction was useless. No bars or bolts, no seal or sentry would suffice.

Notice that we are to "Put on" incorruption and immortality (1Co 15:53-54). It is as though the new body will be put on over the old, and as this takes place, all the elements of the old body will be swallowed up and absorbed. when the Holy Spirit completes his work in our souls, there will be no trace of the old rags left in the shining robes in which we shall be arrayed as we go forth to meet the welcome of our Lord. Death to those who believe in Christ is now only a Home-going; the falling asleep to open the eyes in the City of God; the loosening of the anchor, to float down stream in the full tide. "There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain."


O God, whensoever Thy ways in nature or in the soul are hard to be understood, then may our quiet confidence, our patient trust, our loving faith in Thee be great, and as children knowing that they are loved, cared for, guarded, kept, may we with a quiet mind at all times put our trust in the unseen God. So may we face life without fear, and death without fainting. AMEN.

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Monday, August 30, 2021

Beatitudes by A.B Simpson


You little know the rest that comes from the yielded will, the surrendered choice, the meek and lowly heart that lets the world go by and knows that it shall inherit the earth which is has refused. You little know the relish that it gives to the blessing to hunger and thirst after righteousness and to be filled with a satisfaction that worldly delight cannot afford. You little know what it is to then rise to the higher blessedness of the merciful, the forgiving, the hearts that have learned that it is "more blessed to give than to receive," and the lives that find that "letting go is twice possessing" and blessing other is to be doubly blessed. There is yet one jewel brighter than all the rest in this crown of beatitudes. It is the teardrop crystallized into the diamond, the blood drop transfigured into the ruby of heaven's eternal crown. It is the joy of suffering with Jesus and then forgetting all the sorrow in the overflowing joy until with the heavenly Pascal we know not which to say first and so we say them both together, "Tears upon tears, joy upon joy." Happy are ye if ye do them -John 13:17

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Room 2 Kings 4:2 by A.B Simpson



Elisha asked the widow, "What hast thou in the house?" And she said, "Nothing but a pot of oil." But that pot of oil was adequate all her needs, had she only known how to use it. In truth it represented the Holy Spirit, and the great lesson of the incident is that the Holy Spirit is adequate for all our needs, if we only know how to use Him. All the widow needed was to get sufficient vessels to hold the overflow, and then pour out until all were filled. Even so the Holy Spirit is limited only by our capacity to receive Him, and when God wants us to have a larger fullness, he has to make room for it by creating greater needs. God sends us new vessels to be filled with His Holy Spirit in the needs that come to us and the trials that meet us. These are God's opportunities to give us more of Himself. As we meet them He comes to us in larger fullness for each new necessity. Lord, help me to see Thee in all my trying situations and to make them vessels to hold more of Thy grace. Thine handmaid hath riot anything in the house, save a pot of oil -2 Kings 4:2

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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Delivered By. F.B Meyer


F.B Meyers


"As birds flying, so will the Lord of Hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also He will deliver it, and passing over He will preserve it."-- Isa 31:5.

WE HAVE in this chapter three beautiful synonyms for God. He is Wise (Isa 31:1-3). The politicians of that time were boasting of their wisdom-in having secured the Egyptian alliance, but their cleverness and strategy were not destined to be of any help to them. Why did they not consult the Holy One of Israel, and seek the help of the Almighty? Was His wisdom only in heavenly and religious matters? Had He not the power to infuse men like Isaiah with a wisdom for earthly and human politics? Surely the boast of wisdom was mockery in the leaders of the people, at that dread hour of Jerusalem's history, when they turned away from the Light and Glory of the Shekinah to seek human counsellers and worldly stratagems. Not only in religious matters, but in the daily ordering of our human fife, "if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing doubting!" (Jam 1:5.)

He is as a Lion (Isa 31:4). The lion is more than a match for the groups of shepherds who endeavour to stand against him with their crooks. He is not afraid of their shouting and views them with contempt. Does not this mean that the mighty presence and power of God would shelter the soul that trusts Him? All the nations might assail the city in vain whilst the Lion of the Tribe of Judah stood as sentry! If you are fearful of heart, and dread the attack of man, flee to God for refuge and defence (Psa 46:1).

He is as a mother-bird and her nest (Isa 31:5). How wonderful these words are! How near God comes to each one of us! We are reminded of our Saviour who longed to gather Jerusalem under His wings! Amid all the fret and worry and anxiety of your life, dare to believe in a Love that will not let you go!


O God our Father, how can we thank Thee for Thy Holy Word, and the many methods by which Thou wouldst gain our confidence and love! Give us grace to return unto our rest beneath the shadow of Thy wings! AMEN.

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Monday, August 23, 2021

Not Lost In The Flock In 10:14 by J.H Jowett




“I know My sheep, and am known of mine.”

—John 10:7-16.

THERE is mutual recognition, and in that recognition there is confidence and peace.

“I know my sheep.” He knows us one by one. My knowledge of the individual wanes in proportion as the multitude is increased. The teacher with the smaller class has the deepest intimacy with her scholars. The individual is lost in the crowd. But not so with our Lord. There are no “masses” in His sight. However big the crowd, even though it be “a multitude which no man can number,” we still remain individuals, known to the Lord by name, and face, and personal need. If thou art away from the fold, thy face is missed, and the Shepherd is away in search of thee!

“And I am known of mine.” And the knowledge deepens with every day’s experience. There are false shepherds who can subtly mimic the Good Shepherd, and in my early discipleship I am liable to be deceived. The devil himself can array himself like a shepherd, and imitate the very tones of the Lord. Therefore must I watch, and ever watch. But here is my hope and inspiration. Every day I spend with my Good Shepherd sharpens my discernments, enables me to see through the outer show of things, and to discriminate between the false and the true.

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Battle is The Lord's 2 Chr. 20:15 by A.B Simpson


The Battle is The Lord's

The thing is to count the battle God's. The battle is not yours but God's. We shall not need to fight in this battle. As long as we count our dangers and responsibilities, we shall be distracted with fear. But when we realize God is bound to take care of us as His property and His representatives, we shall feel infinite relief and security. If I send my employee on a long journey, I am responsible for his expenses and protection; if God sends me anywhere, He is responsible. If we belong to God and put our life, our family, and our all in His hands, we may know He will take care of us. If our body belongs to God, it is His interest to keep us well, just as much as it is for the interest of the shepherd to have his sheep well fed, well cared for and a credit to him. Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14). Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own. The battle is not yours -2 Chronicles 20:15

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Psalm of Praise Ps 107:15 By J.H Jowett


J.H Jowett

Psalm 107:1-15.

THE miracle of deliverance must be followed by the psalm of praise. There are multitudes who cry, “God be merciful!” who never cry, “God be praised!” “There were none that returned to give thanks save this Samaritan.” Ten cleansed, and only one grateful! “Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness!” Many a blessing becomes stale because it is not renewed by thanksgiving. Graces that are received ungratefully droop like flowers deprived of rain. Yes, gratitude gives sustenance to blessings already received. Therefore “in everything give thanks.”

But emancipated lives are not only to break into praise before God, they must exercise in confession before men. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!” Unconfessed blessings become like the Dead Sea; refused an outlet they lose their freshness and vitality. I am found by the Lord in order that I, too, may be a seeker. I receive His peace in order that I may be a peacemaker. I am comforted in order that I “may comfort others with the comfort wherewith I am comforted of God.” Have you ever received a blessing; “pass it on!” Tell the story of thy deliverance to the enslaved, that he, too, may find “the iron gate” swing open, and so attain his freedom.

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Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Holy Spirit Jn 16:13 by A.B Simpson

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit does not come to give us extraordinary manifestations but to give us life and light. The nearer we come to Him the more simple will His illumination and leading be. He comes to guide [us] into all truth. He comes to shed light upon our own hearts and to show us ourselves. He comes to reveal Christ, to give, and then to illumine the Holy Scriptures and to make divine realities vivid and clear to our spiritual apprehension. He comes as a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, to enlighten the eyes of our understanding, that we may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power (Ephesians 1:18-19). Spirit of Power! with heavenly fire, Our souls endue, our tongues inspire; Stretch forth Thy mighty hand, Thy Pentecostal gifts restore, The wonders of Thy power once more Display in every land. He will guide you into all truth -John 16:13

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God is In HIS HEAVEN Ps. 19:1 By F.B Meyer


F.B Meyer

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork."-- Psa 19:1.

GOD IN the Heavens (Psa 19:1-6). The Psalmist knew little or nothing of modern astronomical discovery, but his words can still be applied to the glorious march of suns and mighty planets toward their distant goal. Voices still speak to us from the vault of heaven, though no sound breaks on our listening ears.

The sun was not a god, but a creation. He can only pursue his destined path and retire at night to the tent of darkness. This is evidently metaphor, but is not the orb of natural day a true emblem of the Sun of Righteousness, the Bridegroom of human souls, who once tabernacled amongst men? Let us warm our cold hearts in the heat of His life-giving rays.

God in the Scriptures (Psa 19:7-11). In the first division of the Psalm He is known as EL; here as Jehovah. Nature may reveal His strength, but the Bible tells of His redeeming love. Notice that each sentence contains a name for Scripture, an attribute, and one of its effects. Perfect--no flaw; sure, reliable; right, a straight road; pure, as sunlight; clean, making impurity loathsome; true, as a reflection of God; righteous, revealing His demands, and the way in which we may become righteous. Ponder its effects! The Old Testament, as David knew it, was only a fragment of Divine revelation. What would he have said of our Bible! Alas, for those who instead of enjoying its fragrance are content with merely dissecting it.

God in the heart (Psa 19:12-14). He reads its innermost secrets, and His Blessed Spirit longs to cleanse us from secret faults, and to hold us back from presumptuous sin.


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. AMEN.

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Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Right Tack

Against The Wind 
By Norman Kissinger
We four brothers grew up on the Southern Oregon coast. I still ultimately consider that home. I enjoy visiting the ocean when I get a chance because it's such a big part of my past. I never really got to be on the ocean when I was younger; a couple of times I believe. But I've always been interested in sailing. My favorite book when I was a kid was about a 16 year old who sailed around the world on a boat called the "Dove" back in the early 1960s. He was featured in National Geographic at the time. So I did a lot of study about sailing even though I never pursued it. My understanding of sailing is that it's possible to almost sail directly into the wind by doing something called tacking. Basically you go across the wind slightly in the direction that you want to go by setting your sails a certain way and zigzag back and forth and by doing so you can actually sail almost directly into the wind. Obviously this slows down your travel but it's still possible to go in almost any direction regardless of the wind. As I stated I can't claim to be an expert about sailing. But I do think that tacking is an important spiritual concept. Every Christian has been frustrated by their limitations of circumstes and wish that things were different. Or they wish that certain trials were not harassing them. How many times do we go to God crying for him to change the situation and frustratingly He simply does not. But I find that often God is using the wind that seems to be coming from the same direction that I'm supposed to go in order to change me. It's not the direction of the wind it is the set of my sails. God is actually using the circumstances to train me to be effective in moving in whatever direction I need to go regardless of what direction the wind is blowing. I pray for the wind to change when I should be setting my sails to move in the direction God would have me to go. Sometimes in life the wind is full to our back. Sometimes it's off to the side. Sometimes it blows in our face, but regardless it is only important what direction our Captain wants us to go and how efficient we are at setting the sails. A good sailor can sail in any direction and a mature Christian can become what God wants he or she to be regardless of circumstances-or the direction of the wind.

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Friday, August 6, 2021

Changed By Dr. Paul Chappell


by Dr. Paul Chappell

And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God. But all that heard him were amazed, and said; Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests? But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ.

Acts 9:20-22

The life of John Newton underwent a remarkable transformation. The man who had once been a slave trader became a leading advocate for the abolition of slavery. The man who had been profane and had no time for God became a leading preacher. Newton wrote, “I am not what I might be, I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I wish to be, I am not what I hope to be. But I thank God I am not what I once was, and I can say with the great apostle, 'By the grace of God I am what I am.'”

Some of us, especially those who were saved at a young age, do not have a testimony of such radical outward change as Newton's, but everyone who has trusted Christ as Saviour should be marked by a new purpose in life. Where Saul had once led the persecution of the church, after he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he became a powerful and effective preacher. Those who heard him in those early days did not understand how that change had come about, but that is what Jesus does.

We are not saved for our own benefit, although we do benefit greatly. We are saved to be part of God's work in this world. We are saved to tell others about the grace we found. We are saved to be different than we were before. The same God who saves us equips and empowers us for effective ministry for Him throughout our lives.

Today's Growth Principle: 
God powerfully transforms the lives of everyone who trusts Him for salvation.

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Monday, August 2, 2021

Involvment by Dr. Paul Chappell


Involvement in God's Work
by Dr. Paul Chappell

Then said I unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach. Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

Nehemiah 2:17-18

Nehemiah was heartbroken when he heard how the city of Jerusalem was defenseless and how the Jewish people who lived there were suffering as a result. So he resolved to do something about it. He got permission from the king to go back and build a wall. Nehemiah understood an important principle: that God's work requires God's people to join hands. Nehemiah worked on the wall, but it was the efforts of the people of Jersualem that brought the task to a successful conclusion. “So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days” (Nehemiah 6:15).

Henry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning; staying together is progress; working together is success.” God's work is not usually done by individuals working in isolation, but by groups of people joining hands together and laboring together until the task is complete. Every church needs the people of the church—not just the pastor or a few full-time staff workers, but everyone—to be active and involved for the ministry to have the impact it should.

The seventeenth-century Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto is credited with the discovery of the 80/20 rule, commonly called the Pareto Principle. Though it has many applications, one of the best known is that in most projects, 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work. That may hold true in many areas of life, but it should never be true of God's church. We should all be active in His work.

Today's Growth Principle:
God has a part in His work for every Christian; be alert to opportunities He may have for you today.

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